Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday Pack-up and Homework

Maths: Practice 15-2 Views of Solids: Nets; Enrichment 15-2 Turnabout Is Fair Play
Answers will be available on Google Classroom later this afternoon.
Literacy/LA: Be ready to publish your Written Instructions and Instructional Video tomorrow.

Daily Schedule

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday Pack-up and homework

Maths: Practice 15-1 Solids; and give Enrichment 15-1 a try.
Literacy: Be ready to proofread (and possibly publish) your instructions tomorrow.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 27

Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you to everyone for what has been quite a successful first week of distance learning. I am sure that the wider community will be very appreciative of the efforts that everyone in Taiwan has gone to in order to minimize the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am very impressed with how well everyone has adapted. Hopefully, we just have three more days of online learning to go.

In the (Virtual) Classroom:

We have completed Topic 14 this week, finishing with our first ever online Topic Test. Next week, we will begin Topic 15, which expands our study of geometry to include three-dimensional solid shapes.

Literacy Workshop
We have been busy planning and drafting our latest assignment. Writing Instructions.. Please keep sending your drafts in so that I can give you all feedback. Please also feel free to email or share-file your buddies to get feedback to help you revise.  Our written instructions are due next Wednesday, along with a short instructional video of your topic. If you are absolutely unable to produce a short video, you may present your instructional demonstration live in the classroom when we all return to school.
In English Grammar, we have completed our unit about Capitalization and Punctuation, and we will begin our next unit about Pronouns next week.

I hope everyone enjoyed the ‘bonus’ Science Mystery about sound waves this week. Next week, we will begin to investigate light energy, including a do-it-yourself home practical lab assignment. Check page 22 in your Science books to make sure that you have access to the household materials for the assignment. We shall complete the experiment on Monday!

Social Studies
We have completed our studies of the American Southeast, and we will have an online open-book unit test on Tuesday. We will begin our studies of the Midwest when we get back to school.

Thank you to everyone for the high spirits and the valuable feedback. I hope to see more photos uploaded of everyone distance learning.  Please make sure that you are spending time AWAY from your screens and getting plenty of exercise.  We only have three days of school next week, as the Tomb Sweeping national holiday will take place next Thursday and Friday.

Stay healthy, and I'll see you all (online) on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue.     Mar 31:           Social Studies open book test – Unit 3
Wed.    Apr 1:             Publish Written Instructions and Instructional Video

April 2-3:                    Tomb Sweeping holiday – NO online learning!

Daily Schedule

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 26th March

There is no specific homework today. Just work on your instructions as necessary, and begin planning your video presentation.

Maths Topic 14 Review and cool Google tools!

Maths: Review Topic 14 - Test tomorrow   Practice Test Answer Key at the bottom of this post.

Check out these Google tools!
To check different dimensions of polygons, you can use the following Google tools:

Simply open the Google search engine, then:
For the perimeter of a rectangle, simply type, "rectangle perimeter =" in the search box.  Enter values, and away you go.

For the area of a rectangle, type, "rectangle area =" in the search box.

For the area of a triangle: "triangle area = "

...and so on for any polygon:

Give it a try!

Practice Test 14 Answers
1. A          2. C          3. D          4. B          5. B          6. C          7. A          8. A          9. D          10. A       11. B

Topic 14 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. About 15 square units; estimate
2. 17 square units; exact
Set B
1. 56 m2
2.  34 square units

Set C
1. 36 in. 2
2. 6 ft2
3. 180 m2
4. 40cm2

Set D
1. 18 cm
2. 70 ft
3. 216 mm
4. 84 ft

1.  eg: [1 x 11; 11 ft] ; [2 x 10; 20 ft2] ; [3 x 9; 27 ft] ; [4 x 8; 32 ft2] ;
[5 x 7 ; 35 ft2] ; [6 x 6; 36 ft2]
2.  eg: [1 x 19; 19 cm2] ; [2 x 18; 36 cm2] ; [3 x 17; 51 cm2] ; [4 x 16; 64 m2] ; [5 x 15; 75 cm2] ; [6 x 14; 84 cm2] ; [7 x 13; 91 cm2] ; [8 x 12; 96 cm2] ;
[9 x 11; 99 cm2] ; [10 x 10; 100 cm2]
3. eg: [1 x 64; P=130 ft] ; [2 x 32 P=68 ft] ; [4 x 16 P=40 ft] ;
 [8 x 8 P=32 ft]
4eg: [1 x 80; P=162 yd] ; [2 x 40; P=84 yd] ; [4 x 20; P=48 yd] ;
 [8 x 10; P=36 yd]

1. 30 inches

Daily Schedule

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday Wrap

Schedule for tomorrow:

9:00-10:15   Maths
Review Topic 14 (test Friday); Performance Assessment

10:30-11:45  Literacy
English 5-9 Titles pp.186-187
Writing Instructions - Revising pp.352-354
Also: Tips on making an Instructional Video

13:00-14:15  Science / Social Studies
OPTIONAL Mystery Science activity*
Continue Science bookwork (due Friday)
Continue reviewing Unit 3 (due Friday, test Tuesday)

*If you would like to do the practical task, you will need:

  • 2 paper cups
  • 2 small paper clips
  • About 2 metres of string
  • Random materials from around your home.

Think of some fun photos you can take of yourself  Distance Learning. We can share them online, and maybe add them to our yearbook.

As discussed in the post below, we currently don't know if Science Fair will continue as planned or not. IF you are able, you can continue your research at home. It is not advised to work with your partner during our time of social distancing, so if research is impractical at this time, we will simply need to put  research on hold and wait until further information becomes available.

Daily Schedule

Monday, March 23, 2020

Distance Learning, Day 1

Good morning!

G4 Students, if you haven't already, please check your email for the link to our online attendance. Please then log in to Google Classroom for the first assignment of the day.

Please message me if you have any problems or questions.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Distance Learning starts tomorrow!

Dear Parents and Students,

Our Distance Learning program for Grade 4 at HIS will commence tomorrow morning at 9:00 am.  All will be as we discussed on Friday, but if you need a refresher, the program will be as follows:

8:00  – You will receive a link to our online attendance sheet. You have until 9:00 am to click on the box beside your name to let me know that you are logged in (use your school Google account) and receiving instruction and directions. 
Note: the attendance form will be available from 8:00, but you are not required to be online until just before 9:00. Make sure you check your name before 9:00.

9:00 – You will receive directions for our first class of the day. We will begin each day with Maths, and tomorrow's lesson will be Lesson 14-6 Perimeter. A scan of the relevant pages will be made available. Quick Check 14-5 will be made available on a Google Form. Other links and resources will be made available at 9:00. You will have until 10:30 to complete all tasks.

10:30 – You will receive directions for our second class of the day. Our second class of each day will be Literacy/Language Arts. Tomorrow, we will be doing English 5-8 Quotations. Once again, scans of relevant pages and all resources will be made available at the beginning of the lesson. We will also be 'discussing' our upcoming writing assignment. This will consist of reading an example (online) and sending me your ideas for topics. You will have until 12:00 to complete all tasks.

1:00 – You will receive directions for our final class of the day. Tomorrow, our final class will be Social Studies, and we will be reviewing Chapter 7. All relevant pages and resources will be made available online.

You are not required to be online for all of this time, but try to be available at the beginning of each lesson. I will be online for most of the time during school hours. Feel free to send me messages at any time, but be aware that you will get the most prompt responses during the lesson times.

This is a new challenge for us all. Let's make the most of the situation, and let's hope that our combined efforts in social distancing will bring a swift end to this pandemic.

See you all online in the morning!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Distance Learning - Update

Dear Parents and Students,
As you will now be aware, HIS is implementing distance learning, starting Monday, March, 23rd, until Wednesday, 1st April, the day before Spring Break / Tomb Sweeping holiday. Current plans are to re-open for regular classes on Monday, 6th April.
As discussed in class on Friday afternoon, online learning will begin at 9:00 am next Monday, 23rd March. Our daily schedule will be as follows:
9:00 –10:15 am: Maths
10:30­–11:45 am: Language Arts
12:00–1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 –2:15 pm: Science or Social Studies or Specialty classes
Please check the Class Blog and/or your email at the beginning of each period for lessons and directions for each subject. Assigned tasks are due at the end of each session unless otherwise stated. I will be available during these times to answer questions or give online assistance. If you are unable to complete a task within the allotted time, please let me know as soon as possible, and we can make adjustments as necessary.
It is important that we take the current precautions seriously and practice social distancing as advised by the authorities. All teachers and staff at HIS are committed to making the next two weeks as enjoyable as possible under the circumstances, and we will be working together to offer activities that are fun as well as educational.
Activities such as International Expo will be postponed to a later date, and we look forward to enjoying such activities when things get back to normal. In the meantime, let’s make the most of our new experiences in distance learning. See you all online on Monday!

Week 26

Dear Parents and Students,
Spirit Week has been a lot of fun, and our Race Day was especially successful, although our soccer games were postponed due to some light showers. We will reschedule the soccer games to a later date. Thank you to all parents who helped with the designing of costumes and colours for each special theme. A link to photos from throughout the week has been included at the bottom of this post.

In the Classroom:

We have been working our way through Topic 14, and learning some very useful formulas. We have also discussed the importance of understanding the formulas we learn, and not simply memorising them. We will continue our studies of area and perimeter throughout next week, with our topic test to take place on Thursday, 25th March.

Literacy Workshop
We read another story from our basal this week. Sing to the Stars is a story about a boy and his special relationship with music. We continued to develop our skills in making inferences, and we also discussed the writing style of the author. Next week we will begin another writing assignment. Writing Instructions will require each student to write clear instructions on how to complete a task, and we will each then give a demonstration, either before the class, or via video. More details will be provided early next week.

We enjoyed more practical experimentations this week as we investigated how sound waves are created and how they travel. We will continue with sound energy next week, before previewing light energy, which will be our focus the week after next.

Social Studies
We have continued our exploration of the Southeast states. Next week, we will review what we have studied throughout Unit 3, and we will sit an open-book test on Wednesday.

Other important information
Information regarding Covid-19 is constantly being updated, and our school will continue to adapt accordingly. To keep abreast of the latest developments regarding HIS, please be sure to read the regular updates provided by Mrs Lines and the office staff via Class Dojo and email.
As you know, this coming Thursday, 26th March, Grades PreK, 1, 3, and 5 will showcase their International Expo. Unfortunately, due to the current precautions regarding Covid-19, parents are asked not to attend. Of course, this is disappointing, but many pictures will be made available online. In the meantime, the students are sure to enjoy the presentations from around the world.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon. Mar 23: Class Photo
Thu. Mar 26: International Expo

Click here for pictures from Spirit Week:

Student of the Week, Week 26

Congratulations to Luke!

Luke has been putting in a great effort to improve in all areas. He has been more focused on his work, and he is showing a lot more awareness towards his classmates and the general school environment.
Keep it up, Luke, you're doing a great job!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 19th March

Maths: Practice 14-4 Area of Parallelograms; Enrichment 14-4 Kite Patterns

Complete any unfinished work.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Homework, Tuesday, 17th March

Maths:  Practice 14-2 Areas of Squares and Rectangles; Enrichment 14-2 Perimeter Patterns

Spelling: Review List 20   Click here for Spelling City     Click here for Quizlet
List 20 – final /j/ and /s/
Core Words

Challenge Words

Tier 3          Click here for Spelling City 


Monday, March 16, 2020

Homework, Monday, 16th March

Maths:  Practice 14-1 Understanding Area; Enrichment 14-1 A Square Mosaic

Literacy: Read Sing to the Stars pp. 489-495.

Science: Go to Google Classroom and watch the assigned video.  (23 minutes) Due Friday.

Spelling: Review List 19 Click here for list and links. Test tomorrow.

...and don't forget to use commas, kids!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 25

Dear Parents and Students,
Our busy week was punctuated on Wednesday with our Pottery Day. It was a nice break from our routines to try our hand at clay turning, and we are now eagerly anticipating the delivery of our creations once they have been fired in the kilns at Yinge. A link to photos of the activity has been included at the bottom of this post.

In the Classroom:

We have completed Topic 13, and had our topic test on Friday. Next week, we will begin Topic 14. This will be a change of pace, as we spend the next few weeks studying perimeter and area.
Literacy Workshop
We returned to our regular curriculum this week, and our story for the week was The Last Dragon. Some excellent discussions took place among the groups in our Reading Circles, and it is clear that we are all becoming more adept at drawing inferences and making connections when reading narrative stories. We will continue with the Reading textbook next week with Sing to the Stars.

Our experimentation with electricity has come to an end for the time being, and we have been reviewing all we have learned. Next week, we will turn our attention to sound energy, with another practical assignment set up for Wednesday. We will also be discussing our preliminary research for our Science Fair projects during the week.

Social Studies
We learned to read a map scale, and we have been reading about and discussing the Atlantic Coast States and the Gulf Coast States. These have proven to be significantly different to the Northeast States in many ways, and we have been comparing and contrasting the different regions. Next week, we will be making further comparisons as we learn about the inland states of the region. We will then review the entire unit ahead of the open book test that will take place during the week beginning March 23.
Other important information
We are all excited about Spirit Week, which begins with Rock 'n' Roll Day on Monday. The rest of the week's schedule, along with other important dates, can be found below.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Mon.   Mar 16:           Rock ‘n’ Roll Day   \\m//
Tue.     Mar 17:           St Patrick’s Day – Wear GREEN 
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day – Wear BLUE
Thu.    Mar 19:           Letter Day – Dress as something with the same beginning letter as your name.
Fri.      Mar 20:           Fancy Mask Day – Upgrade your face mask to something a little more fancy!
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo
Thu.    Mar 26:           International Expo

Student of the Week, Week 25

Congratulations to Ivanka!
Ivanka has been taking great care to finish all of her work to the best of her abilities. She has been very receptive to help from her teacher and classmates, and her quality of work is improving as a result.

Great effort, Ivanka, keep it up!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 12th March

Maths: Review Topic 13 (test tomorrow) pp.310-313 Answer Key below.
Social Studies: Reading a Map Scale worksheet due next Thursday.

Practice Test 13 Answers
1. C      2. B      3. A      4. D     5. B      6. C      7. D     8. A      9. D     10. A   11. B   12. C   13. C   14. A  

Topic 13 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. 18; 18.3
2. 18; 17.6
3. 69; 68.6
4. 3; 2.8
5. 7; 6.8
6. 80; 80.1

Set B
1. 28
2. 2
3. 23
4. 3

Set C
1. 0.91
2. 0.36
3. 0.68
4. 0.03

Set D
1. 21.44
2. 28.14
3. 105.59
4. 3.53
5. 5.94
6. 1.36

1. 7.11
2. 395.28
3. 1.28
4. 0.52

1. Corey made 3 baskets, Terry made 8 baskets, and Chris made 9 baskets.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 11th March

Maths: Practice 13-6 Dividing a Decimal by a Whole Number; Enrichment Air Traffic Control
Reading: Make sure you are reading at least two Achieve 3000 articles each week.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Homework, Tuesday, 10th March

Maths: Practice 13-5 Multiplying a Whole Number by a Decimal; Enrichment 13-5 Museum Price
Spelling:  Review List 19     Click here for Spelling City
List 19 – the final ē sound
Core Words

Challenge Words

Advanced/Tier 3       Click here for Spelling City

Monday, March 9, 2020

Homework, Monday, 9th March

Maths: Practice 13-4 Adding and Subtracting Decimals: Enrichment 13-4 Puzzling Decimals
Reading: Read the first third of The Last Dragon pp.453-459
Spelling: Review List 18  Click here for list and links.

The importance of commas

How could this sentence be improved with commas? Write your answer in the comments box below.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 24

Dear Parents and Students,
I hope everyone managed to enjoy the long weekend. As we have all been diligently trying to stay  bug free, we have all become quite used to the extra measures we are needing to take to make sure we stay healthy. The atmosphere in the classroom remains very positive, and we have enjoyed another productive week in Grade 4.

In the Classroom:

We began Topic 13 on Tuesday, and we are now becoming more confident when working with decimals. We will continue with Topic 13 next week, with the topic test to take place next Friday.
Literacy Workshop
We spent most of our time finishing our Book Promotion projects, including giving our oral presentations on Thursday and Friday. Next week, we will begin a new story in our Reading Circles, and we continue our grammar unit dedicated to capitalisation and punctuation. The Caves book fair took place on Tuesday, completing all of our activities for Literacy Week. A link to photos of these activities is included at the end of this post.

We are still  completing our preliminary research for our Science Fair assignments, and we are holding brief conferences each week to discuss our progress. In the meantime, we have continued with our exploration of electricity, and we can now build circuits in series and parallel, complete with switches. We have one more practical assignment to do before we review what we have learned.

Social Studies
We learned to read a double-bar graph, and we have been reviewing our study of the geography and history of the American Southeast. Next week, we will take a look at how the region has developed, and what it is like today.
Other important information
Another hands-on activity arrives next week in the form of Pottery Day. Please remember to bring protective clothing if you don't already have an art smock at school. Grade 4's session will take place on Wednesday morning.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Wed.    Mar 11:           Pottery
Fri.      Mar 13:           Maths test – Topic 13
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo

…and click here for photos of our Book Promotion presentations. Thank you to TJ, our photographer of the week.

Student of the Week, Week 24

Congratulations to Yi Jun!

Yi Jun is beginning to contribute to class discussions, and he has recently shown an increased awareness and consideration of others. He topped a great week off with a very impressive oral presentation. Well done, Yi Jun!