Friday, March 20, 2020

Distance Learning - Update

Dear Parents and Students,
As you will now be aware, HIS is implementing distance learning, starting Monday, March, 23rd, until Wednesday, 1st April, the day before Spring Break / Tomb Sweeping holiday. Current plans are to re-open for regular classes on Monday, 6th April.
As discussed in class on Friday afternoon, online learning will begin at 9:00 am next Monday, 23rd March. Our daily schedule will be as follows:
9:00 –10:15 am: Maths
10:30­–11:45 am: Language Arts
12:00–1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 –2:15 pm: Science or Social Studies or Specialty classes
Please check the Class Blog and/or your email at the beginning of each period for lessons and directions for each subject. Assigned tasks are due at the end of each session unless otherwise stated. I will be available during these times to answer questions or give online assistance. If you are unable to complete a task within the allotted time, please let me know as soon as possible, and we can make adjustments as necessary.
It is important that we take the current precautions seriously and practice social distancing as advised by the authorities. All teachers and staff at HIS are committed to making the next two weeks as enjoyable as possible under the circumstances, and we will be working together to offer activities that are fun as well as educational.
Activities such as International Expo will be postponed to a later date, and we look forward to enjoying such activities when things get back to normal. In the meantime, let’s make the most of our new experiences in distance learning. See you all online on Monday!

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