Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 26

Dear Parents and Students,
Spirit Week has been a lot of fun, and our Race Day was especially successful, although our soccer games were postponed due to some light showers. We will reschedule the soccer games to a later date. Thank you to all parents who helped with the designing of costumes and colours for each special theme. A link to photos from throughout the week has been included at the bottom of this post.

In the Classroom:

We have been working our way through Topic 14, and learning some very useful formulas. We have also discussed the importance of understanding the formulas we learn, and not simply memorising them. We will continue our studies of area and perimeter throughout next week, with our topic test to take place on Thursday, 25th March.

Literacy Workshop
We read another story from our basal this week. Sing to the Stars is a story about a boy and his special relationship with music. We continued to develop our skills in making inferences, and we also discussed the writing style of the author. Next week we will begin another writing assignment. Writing Instructions will require each student to write clear instructions on how to complete a task, and we will each then give a demonstration, either before the class, or via video. More details will be provided early next week.

We enjoyed more practical experimentations this week as we investigated how sound waves are created and how they travel. We will continue with sound energy next week, before previewing light energy, which will be our focus the week after next.

Social Studies
We have continued our exploration of the Southeast states. Next week, we will review what we have studied throughout Unit 3, and we will sit an open-book test on Wednesday.

Other important information
Information regarding Covid-19 is constantly being updated, and our school will continue to adapt accordingly. To keep abreast of the latest developments regarding HIS, please be sure to read the regular updates provided by Mrs Lines and the office staff via Class Dojo and email.
As you know, this coming Thursday, 26th March, Grades PreK, 1, 3, and 5 will showcase their International Expo. Unfortunately, due to the current precautions regarding Covid-19, parents are asked not to attend. Of course, this is disappointing, but many pictures will be made available online. In the meantime, the students are sure to enjoy the presentations from around the world.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon. Mar 23: Class Photo
Thu. Mar 26: International Expo

Click here for pictures from Spirit Week:

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