Friday, June 12, 2020

Week 38

Dear Parents and Students,
Our penultimate week finds everyone excited in anticipation of Summer Break. We have all but finished our year’s work and we are now reflecting on all we have learned. We were also treated to a very successful “Just for Fun” afternoon on Wednesday. Thank you, Mr Keller and all of the specialty teachers for organising the event and having it run so smoothly. A link to pictures of the event can be found at the end of this post.

In the Classroom:

We have completed our final Maths topic, which had us drawing tree diagrams and expressing probability as fractions. The  Topic 20  test will take place on Monday.  Our topic test will be followed later in the week by benchmark and cumulative tests, and then we will finish the week by combining maths with art, and learning about how the two come together in nature.

Literacy Workshop
We have completed our final grammar unit, and the unit checkup is due on Tuesday. We have spent this week  reading Roald Dahl's Danny the Champion of the World. We will finish the story next week, just in time for summer!

We have continued our studies of ecosystems, and how living things interact with the environment. We will complete the unit next week, finishing with fossils, which brings us back around to where we began in Earth Science at the beginning of the year.

Social Studies
All of our hard work over the past few weeks  has finally paid off, and we all enjoyed some very high quality presentations on Wednesday and Thursday. We have all learned about the American West and Southwest regions, but we have also learned a lot about presenting, and how to improve our skills in this area.
As this will be the final standard Grade 4 news blog for the year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents for your support throughout the year. Support at home is an important part of a child’s education, and I greatly appreciate the efforts you have made to help, assist and encourage your children (especially so during distance learning), and also for the open communication we have maintained throughout the year. I would also like to thank all students for the efforts you have made throughout the year. There have been fun times and some very strange and challenging times. Nobody could have predicted the type of year we were to have, but we have all adapted and made progress, and are ready for Grade 5.


We still have one week to go, including our in-class break-up party on Thursday.  If you would like to bring snacks to share, you may, but it is not obligatory.  Our final school assembly will be held at 1:50 pm Thursday afternoon in the auditorium. As you will have read last week, parents are welcome to join us for this assembly.
Enjoy your weekend, and I will see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon.    June 15:           Maths test – Topic 20
Thu.     June 18:           Class party
Thu.     June 18:           Final assembly – parents welcome!
Fri.       June 19:           End Semester 2! Half day – finish at 12:00 (bus) 12:05 (taxi) 12:20 (parent pick-up)

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