Friday, April 24, 2020

Week 31

Dear Parents and Students,
We have successfully completed another 'regular' week of school, and it was fantastic to be able to enjoy the International Expo on Thursday. Of course, everyone missed the presence of family, but it was a successful and enjoyable day. A link to photos is included at the end of this post. Grade 4 thanks all of the presenting classes, and all of the teachers and staff who worked so hard to make sure the event took place. We also finished our week with our first assembly in what seems to be a very ling time, and there were a large number of awards to give out on the day. Pictures of the award winners are included below. Congratulations to everyone!

In the Classroom:

We completed Topic 16 this week and had our topic test on Friday. Next week, we will begin Topic 17, which deals with collection of data, and reading and creating graphs. This will come in very useful as we prepare our presentations for Science Fair.

Literacy Workshop
We have completed the entire story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and we are now creating our own tributes to the book. We also have a very special activity arranged for next Friday. As our annual May Day field trip has been cancelled due to Covid-19, Grade 4 is going to stay at school, but we will be holding a Mad Tea Party to celebrate May Day, and to share and present our tributes to the classic story. Everyone is very excited, and we already have some great ideas for activities on the special day. More details will be provided very soon.

We have completed our unit dedicated to Physical Science, finishing with a study of different types of renewable energy and their importance to the future of our planet. This tied in very well with our celebration of Earth Day, and our special activity in Social Studies. Next week, we will focus on our Science Fair projects and we will make sure that everybody is on target to be ready to present on the 19th May.

Social Studies
We have continued with our study of the American Midwest, and we will review Chapter 8 early next week. We also took part in an Earth Day activity, in which we interviewed family, friends, or neighbours of an older generation to see how lifestyles have changed over time. We then discussed how these lifestyles have affected our planet both before and now, and made a plan of action aimed at conserving energy and resources and taking better care of the Earth. Thank you to all family and friends for your cooperation in answering our questions. We will return to our studies of the Midwest next week, shifting our focus to what the region is like today.
As you will have learned from the newsletter from Mrs Lines, clubs have been cancelled for the reminder of the semester as a safeguard against Covid-19. On a more positive note, a number of upcoming events have been confirmed, enabling us all to prepare accordingly. Among these dates is our week for Parent/Teacher meetings. Please check the Dates to Remember at the end of this post.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday.

Dates to remember:
Fri.          May 1:        Mad Tea Party
Mon-Fri. May 4-8:     Parent/Teacher meetings
Mon-Fri. May 11-15: Iowa Tests
Tue.         May 19:      Science Fair
Thu.         May 28       Art Exhibition
Fri.           May 29:      Monthly Assembly

A special congratulations to Suin upon receiving the Hsinchu Government Outstanding Student Award. Well done, Suin!

Congratulations to our Students of the Week, dating back to January!
Luke, Yi Jun, Yuzu, Janae, Ivanka, Zoe, Céline, Suin, and Sara (absent)

Congratulations to everybody on your performance during Distance Learning!

Congratulations to Yoyo, Riki, and Jessie, on finishing third in the Messi Soccer Championship!

Congratulations to Zoe, Céline, Yuma, Yi Jun, Xavier, and Sara for their accomplishments in PE.

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