Sunday, March 22, 2020

Distance Learning starts tomorrow!

Dear Parents and Students,

Our Distance Learning program for Grade 4 at HIS will commence tomorrow morning at 9:00 am.  All will be as we discussed on Friday, but if you need a refresher, the program will be as follows:

8:00  – You will receive a link to our online attendance sheet. You have until 9:00 am to click on the box beside your name to let me know that you are logged in (use your school Google account) and receiving instruction and directions. 
Note: the attendance form will be available from 8:00, but you are not required to be online until just before 9:00. Make sure you check your name before 9:00.

9:00 – You will receive directions for our first class of the day. We will begin each day with Maths, and tomorrow's lesson will be Lesson 14-6 Perimeter. A scan of the relevant pages will be made available. Quick Check 14-5 will be made available on a Google Form. Other links and resources will be made available at 9:00. You will have until 10:30 to complete all tasks.

10:30 – You will receive directions for our second class of the day. Our second class of each day will be Literacy/Language Arts. Tomorrow, we will be doing English 5-8 Quotations. Once again, scans of relevant pages and all resources will be made available at the beginning of the lesson. We will also be 'discussing' our upcoming writing assignment. This will consist of reading an example (online) and sending me your ideas for topics. You will have until 12:00 to complete all tasks.

1:00 – You will receive directions for our final class of the day. Tomorrow, our final class will be Social Studies, and we will be reviewing Chapter 7. All relevant pages and resources will be made available online.

You are not required to be online for all of this time, but try to be available at the beginning of each lesson. I will be online for most of the time during school hours. Feel free to send me messages at any time, but be aware that you will get the most prompt responses during the lesson times.

This is a new challenge for us all. Let's make the most of the situation, and let's hope that our combined efforts in social distancing will bring a swift end to this pandemic.

See you all online in the morning!

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