Friday, March 6, 2020

Week 24

Dear Parents and Students,
I hope everyone managed to enjoy the long weekend. As we have all been diligently trying to stay  bug free, we have all become quite used to the extra measures we are needing to take to make sure we stay healthy. The atmosphere in the classroom remains very positive, and we have enjoyed another productive week in Grade 4.

In the Classroom:

We began Topic 13 on Tuesday, and we are now becoming more confident when working with decimals. We will continue with Topic 13 next week, with the topic test to take place next Friday.
Literacy Workshop
We spent most of our time finishing our Book Promotion projects, including giving our oral presentations on Thursday and Friday. Next week, we will begin a new story in our Reading Circles, and we continue our grammar unit dedicated to capitalisation and punctuation. The Caves book fair took place on Tuesday, completing all of our activities for Literacy Week. A link to photos of these activities is included at the end of this post.

We are still  completing our preliminary research for our Science Fair assignments, and we are holding brief conferences each week to discuss our progress. In the meantime, we have continued with our exploration of electricity, and we can now build circuits in series and parallel, complete with switches. We have one more practical assignment to do before we review what we have learned.

Social Studies
We learned to read a double-bar graph, and we have been reviewing our study of the geography and history of the American Southeast. Next week, we will take a look at how the region has developed, and what it is like today.
Other important information
Another hands-on activity arrives next week in the form of Pottery Day. Please remember to bring protective clothing if you don't already have an art smock at school. Grade 4's session will take place on Wednesday morning.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Wed.    Mar 11:           Pottery
Fri.      Mar 13:           Maths test – Topic 13
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo

…and click here for photos of our Book Promotion presentations. Thank you to TJ, our photographer of the week.

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