Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 25

Dear Parents and Students,
Our busy week was punctuated on Wednesday with our Pottery Day. It was a nice break from our routines to try our hand at clay turning, and we are now eagerly anticipating the delivery of our creations once they have been fired in the kilns at Yinge. A link to photos of the activity has been included at the bottom of this post.

In the Classroom:

We have completed Topic 13, and had our topic test on Friday. Next week, we will begin Topic 14. This will be a change of pace, as we spend the next few weeks studying perimeter and area.
Literacy Workshop
We returned to our regular curriculum this week, and our story for the week was The Last Dragon. Some excellent discussions took place among the groups in our Reading Circles, and it is clear that we are all becoming more adept at drawing inferences and making connections when reading narrative stories. We will continue with the Reading textbook next week with Sing to the Stars.

Our experimentation with electricity has come to an end for the time being, and we have been reviewing all we have learned. Next week, we will turn our attention to sound energy, with another practical assignment set up for Wednesday. We will also be discussing our preliminary research for our Science Fair projects during the week.

Social Studies
We learned to read a map scale, and we have been reading about and discussing the Atlantic Coast States and the Gulf Coast States. These have proven to be significantly different to the Northeast States in many ways, and we have been comparing and contrasting the different regions. Next week, we will be making further comparisons as we learn about the inland states of the region. We will then review the entire unit ahead of the open book test that will take place during the week beginning March 23.
Other important information
We are all excited about Spirit Week, which begins with Rock 'n' Roll Day on Monday. The rest of the week's schedule, along with other important dates, can be found below.

I hope you all have a restful weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Mon.   Mar 16:           Rock ‘n’ Roll Day   \\m//
Tue.     Mar 17:           St Patrick’s Day – Wear GREEN 
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day – Wear BLUE
Thu.    Mar 19:           Letter Day – Dress as something with the same beginning letter as your name.
Fri.      Mar 20:           Fancy Mask Day – Upgrade your face mask to something a little more fancy!
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo
Thu.    Mar 26:           International Expo

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