Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday Wrap

Schedule for tomorrow:

9:00-10:15   Maths
Review Topic 14 (test Friday); Performance Assessment

10:30-11:45  Literacy
English 5-9 Titles pp.186-187
Writing Instructions - Revising pp.352-354
Also: Tips on making an Instructional Video

13:00-14:15  Science / Social Studies
OPTIONAL Mystery Science activity*
Continue Science bookwork (due Friday)
Continue reviewing Unit 3 (due Friday, test Tuesday)

*If you would like to do the practical task, you will need:

  • 2 paper cups
  • 2 small paper clips
  • About 2 metres of string
  • Random materials from around your home.

Think of some fun photos you can take of yourself  Distance Learning. We can share them online, and maybe add them to our yearbook.

As discussed in the post below, we currently don't know if Science Fair will continue as planned or not. IF you are able, you can continue your research at home. It is not advised to work with your partner during our time of social distancing, so if research is impractical at this time, we will simply need to put  research on hold and wait until further information becomes available.

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