Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 27

Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you to everyone for what has been quite a successful first week of distance learning. I am sure that the wider community will be very appreciative of the efforts that everyone in Taiwan has gone to in order to minimize the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am very impressed with how well everyone has adapted. Hopefully, we just have three more days of online learning to go.

In the (Virtual) Classroom:

We have completed Topic 14 this week, finishing with our first ever online Topic Test. Next week, we will begin Topic 15, which expands our study of geometry to include three-dimensional solid shapes.

Literacy Workshop
We have been busy planning and drafting our latest assignment. Writing Instructions.. Please keep sending your drafts in so that I can give you all feedback. Please also feel free to email or share-file your buddies to get feedback to help you revise.  Our written instructions are due next Wednesday, along with a short instructional video of your topic. If you are absolutely unable to produce a short video, you may present your instructional demonstration live in the classroom when we all return to school.
In English Grammar, we have completed our unit about Capitalization and Punctuation, and we will begin our next unit about Pronouns next week.

I hope everyone enjoyed the ‘bonus’ Science Mystery about sound waves this week. Next week, we will begin to investigate light energy, including a do-it-yourself home practical lab assignment. Check page 22 in your Science books to make sure that you have access to the household materials for the assignment. We shall complete the experiment on Monday!

Social Studies
We have completed our studies of the American Southeast, and we will have an online open-book unit test on Tuesday. We will begin our studies of the Midwest when we get back to school.

Thank you to everyone for the high spirits and the valuable feedback. I hope to see more photos uploaded of everyone distance learning.  Please make sure that you are spending time AWAY from your screens and getting plenty of exercise.  We only have three days of school next week, as the Tomb Sweeping national holiday will take place next Thursday and Friday.

Stay healthy, and I'll see you all (online) on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue.     Mar 31:           Social Studies open book test – Unit 3
Wed.    Apr 1:             Publish Written Instructions and Instructional Video

April 2-3:                    Tomb Sweeping holiday – NO online learning!

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