Thursday, October 31, 2019

Week 11

Dear Parents and Students,

Our four day week has certainly been a busy one, with tests, presentations, and a spectacular dress-up parade to take us into our mid-semester break. A big thank you to all parents for your time and effort in helping your children with costumes. Thank you also to all parents who were able to come along and join in the fun. A special thank-you also goes to the office staff for arranging the trick-or-treat, and an extra special thanks to Grade 6 for their amazing haunted house!

In the Classroom:

We completed Topic 6 with the topic test on Thursday. This topic has been a very successful venture, and I think we are all feeling a lot more confident about our understanding of algebra. We will return our focus to multiplication as we begin Topic 7 next Tuesday.

Literacy Workshop
This week, we spent more time in our Reading Circles, and our story of the week was Boss of the Plains. The conversations and collaborative work are really beginning to develop, and each group is becoming less reliant on guided instruction. We will continue the process next week with a story called A Very Important Day. We are well into our grammar unit about verbs, and next week, we will spend some time studying tense and verb agreement.
We have continued with the Skills Handbook this week, with a focus on keeping safe during scientific research. We had fun joking about the kinds of disasters that may occur in the lab, but we also took the lessons very seriously, as safety is always a high priority. Next week, we will conduct a few more practical investigations as we continue to familiarise ourselves with the Scientific Process.

Social Studies
Much of our week was spent preparing for and giving our presentations about Symbols of Patriotism. Thank you to everyone for the hard work. It was certainly an informative few days, and everyone should be proud of your presentations. Next week, we will spend a lesson reviewing Chapter 2, and we will have a minor test on Wednesday.

Other important information
Thank you to all parents for returning the parent/teacher forms. Confirmation slips were sent home on Wednesday. Please let me know as soon as possible if you didn't receive yours, or if the time slot no longer suits you. Report cards also went home Wednesday. Once again, please alert the office or myself if you didn't receive yours.
It's hard to believe we are already halfway through the semester! I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing and refreshing mid-semester break. Have fun, and I will see you next Tuesday!

Dates to remember:
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4 Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15 Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon. Nov 11 No Club
Wed. Nov 13 Social Studies test – Chapter 2
No Club
Thu. Nov 21 Thanksgiving Lunch

Thank you to Jessie - our photographer for the week!

Student of the Week, Week 11

Congratulations to Céline!

Céline is always a bright and enthusiastic student in class, and she is continually increasing her involvement in all tasks and activities each week. This week she gave her first ever presentation in English. Fantastic effort, Céline!

Why are pumpkins so popular every autumn?

Click here if you would like to watch today's Mystery Science lesson again.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 30th October

Maths:Review Topic 6 pp.136-137 Extra Practice (Reteaching) 138-139 Answers below. Test Tomorrow.
            Practice 6-3 Multiplication and Division Expressions

Science: Skills Handbook pp.304-313; Lesson Check Lesson 1, Lesson 2 worksheet - due next Wednesday

Practice Test 6 Answers
1. B     2. B     3. D     4. D     5. C     6. C     7. C     8. A     9. A     10. B   11. D

Topic 6 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. 36; 45; 56
2. 56; 64; 72
3. 98; 42; 14
4. 3; 6; 7

Set B
1. 15; 3
2. 66; 79
3. 2; 2
4. 8; 21
Set C
1. 3; 30
2. 4; 32
3. 10; 6
4. 5; 7

Set D
1. Lisa is on the Blue Jays

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Homework, Tuesday, 29th October

Maths: Practice 6-2 Addition and Subtraction Expressions; Enrichment 6-2 Algebra Cadabra!
Reading: Finish reading Boss of the Plains pp.230-239

Social Studies: Chapter 2 review and Test Prep pp.66-67 due next Wednesday

Monday, October 28, 2019

Homework, Monday, 28th October

Maths: Practice 6-1 Variables and Expressions; Enrichment 6-1 Who Wants Pizza?
Spelling: Review List 10 Click here for list and links.  Test tomorrow
Reading: Read Boss of the Plains pp.220-229

Could a mountain become a volcano?  Click here if you would like to watch today's mini-lesson again.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 10

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has whizzed by, and we are now only four school days away from our mid-semester break. In the meantime, everyone is getting excited about our upcoming Dress-up Day next week. It will be fun to see everybody’s costumes, and I hope many parents are able to come and join us on Thursday morning.

In the Classroom:

We have finished Topic 5, which was all about multiplication, including strategies such as breaking apart and compatible numbers. We had our topic test on Friday, and we will begin Topic 6 on Monday. This is a short unit dedicated to algebra, with the topic test to take place next Thursday, 31st. After the break, we will return to our studies of multiplication when we begin Topic 7.

Literacy Workshop
This week, we read Tanya's Reunion, and discussed the story in our Reading Circles. The conversations taking place have been very impressive, with each group learning to delve more deeply into the story and its themes. Next week, we will continue our reading with another story: Boss of the Plains.

We have been working through our Skills Handbook this week, which introduces and discusses the methods of scientific research and some of the tools scientists use. We had fun using scientific equipment such as microscopes, binoculars, and telescopes to take a closer look at various samples and objects. Next week we will continue with the Skills Handbook, with a focus on how to keep scientific research safe.

Social Studies
While preparing for next week’s presentations, we have also been learning about economy. Using the USA as a model, we have been investigating the various industries that make up a nation’s economy, and how it may be affected by elements such as supply and demand. Next week, we will continue with our study of different economies, and our Patriotism presentations will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

Other important information
Forms are being sent home today (Friday) to arrange parent/teacher interviews for the week beginning Monday, 11th November. Please complete the form and return it as soon as possible. Please also try to list a number of available times in order of preference. I will do my best to accommodate everybody.
As you are all aware, our Fancy Dress Day will take place this coming Thursday, 31st October. The parade will begin at 9:00am, and all parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please also remember that our mid-semester break takes place next weekend. School will be closed from Friday, 1st until Monday, 4th November. Classes will resume on Tuesday. Please check below for other important dates. Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Wed-Thu. Oct 30-31: Patriotic Symbols presentations
Thu. Oct 31: Fancy Dress Day - Parents Welcome
Thu. Oct 31: Maths test – Topic 6
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4 Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15 Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon. Nov 11 No Club
Wed. Nov 13 No Club
Thu. Nov 21 Thanksgiving Lunch

Students of the Week for October

Congratulations, Lucas, Scarlett, Yolanda, and Zoe!

 Sukai and Yuma participated in the Royal Belgian Football Championship Game and were awarded 1st place.
Well done, boys!

Student of the Week, Week 10

Congratulations to Yolanda!

Yolanda has had a very productive week. She has been working hard to make sure she understands some of the more challenging material we have come across, and has been producing some very impressive work. She has also started to become more involved in our class discussions. Great work, Yolanda!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homework, Thursday, 24th October

Maths: Review Topic 5 - Test Thursday. Practice Test and Reteaching exercises pp.120-125  (answers below)

English: Unit 2 Checkup - due next Thursday. 

What would happen if you didn't have a skull?
Click here if you would like to watch the lesson and activity again.

Practice Test 5 Answers
1. C     2. D     3. A     4. C     5. D     6. B     7. A     8. C     9. B     10. B   11. A   12. A   13. C   14. D   15. D

Topic 5 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. × 6 = 48; 480
2. 3 × 4 = 12; 120
3. × 5 =30 ;300
4. × 3 = 15; 1,500
5. × 4 = 28; 2,800
6. × 9 = 18; 1,800
7. 3 × 7 = 21; 2,100
8.  × 8 = 64; 640
9. × 4 = 4; 400
10. × 6 = 18; 180
11. × 9 = 18; 180
12. × 8 = 72; 7,200
13.  × 7 = 35; 350
14.  2 × 7 = 14; 140
15.  × 3 = 9; 900
16.  × 9 = 36; 360
17.  × 7 = 49; 490
18.  × 4 = 20; 2,000

Set B
1. 78
2. 138
3. 441
4. 216
5. 435
6. 84
7. 144
8. 168
9. 549
10. 196
11. 282
12. 648
13. 360
14. 304

Set C
1. 640
2. 1,500
3. 500
4. 4,200
5. 2,800
6. 360
7. 450
8. 6,300
9. 1,500
10. 600
11. 1,000
12. 900

Set D
1. Mitchell will make 80 dollars
2. $36

1. 168
2. 84
3. 375
4. 212
5. 176
6. 126
7. 96
8. 225
9. 294
10. 111

1. 36
2. 240
3. 198
4. 679
5. 248
6. 200
7. 360
8. 352
9. 432
10. 378

1. 956
2. 740
3. 1,398
4. 6,3491
5. 1,044
6. 2,000

1. 168 hours
2. 648 pounds
3. $10

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 23rd October

Maths: Practice 5-7 Multiplying 3-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers; Enrichment 5-7 Roll Out the Fun
Social Studies: Continue preparing your Patriotic Symbols presentation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Homework, Tuesday, 22nd October

Maths: Practice 5-6 Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers; Enrichment 5-6 Mathematical Marlena
Spelling: Review List 10  Click here for Spelling City or Click here for Quizlet  

List 10 – (ou and ô sounds)
Core Words

Challenge Words

Reading: Read Tanya's Reunion, pages 200-211
Click her for direct link to mp3

Monday, October 21, 2019

Homework, Monday, 21st October

Maths: Practice 5-5  Using an Expanded Algorithm; Enrichment 5-5 Rhyming Multiplication
Spelling: Review List 8 - Click here for list and links.
Reading: Read Tanya's Reunion, pages 187-199 Click her for direct link to mp3

Click here to watch the Untamed Science video again. (You will need to log in with your Pearson Interactive Science username and password.)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 9

Dear Parents and Students,
After our long weekend, we have wasted no time in getting back into our classroom routines. As usual, we have been very busy in Grade 4, and after all of the work completed during the week, we were able to able to relax and enjoy celebrating our October birthdays.

In the Classroom:

We began the week with cumulative and baseline tests to assess how much we have retained since the beginning of the year. Parents, please sign and return the tests at your earliest convenience, if you haven't already. We have since begun working on Topic 5, which revisits multiplication. We will continue next week, with a topic test scheduled for Friday. We will then begin Topic 6 the following week.

Literacy Workshop
We read a new story, Tomás and the Library Lady, and then discussed the story in our Reading Circles. This week, we were investigating writer’s craft, and appreciating how words and pictures can combine in books to convey emotions and set an atmosphere. We will continue with our Reading Circles next week with our next story, Tanya's Reunion.

We completed our Earth Science unit this week, finishing with a review of the water cycle, and its importance to our survival. Next week, we will begin part one of the Student Handbook, which details the roles of scientists, safety precautions, and the various tools that may be used during scientific research and study.

Social Studies
We have continued with our new chapter in Social Studies, and we have been discussing democracy. We are also researching for our upcoming presentation about patriotism. Everyone has chosen a country to represent, and we will all enjoy learning from one another when we take turns to present 30th and 31st of October.

Other important information
As you know, our mid-semester break will be from Friday, 1st November until Monday, 4th November, with school resuming on Tuesday, 5th November. Please check below for other important dates. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you all Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.            Oct 25:       Maths test - Topic 5
Fri.            Oct 25:       Monthly Assembly - Parents Welcome
Thu.          Oct 31:       Fancy Dress Day - Parents Welcome
Fri-Mon.   Nov 1-4      Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri.  Nov 11-15  Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon.         Nov 11       No Club
Wed.         Nov 13       No Club
Thu.          Nov 21       Thanksgiving Lunch

Student of the Week, Week 9

Congratulations to Scarlett!
Scarlett is becoming more involved in class discussions and has been applying her best efforts in her work. She is also very helpful and caring, and is always looking out for her classmates. Well done, Scarlett. Keep it up!

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Tomorrow, we are having a PIZZA PARTY to celebrate the birthdays of Sukai, Yoyo, and Jessie.

ALSO: tomorrow, Grade 4 will be seeing Nurse Joanne for an eye-test and general health check-up.
Students who wear glasses - please remember to bring them!

Homework, Thursday, 17th October

Maths: Practice 5-2 Using Mental Math to Multiply; Enrichment 5-2 Block Party
Social Studies: Continue researching your Patriotic Symbols

How is chocolate made?  Click here if you would like to watch today's mini-lesson again.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 16th October

Maths: Practice 5-1 Multiplying by Multiples of 10 and 100; Enrichment 5-1 In the Blink of an Eye
Social Studies: Continue researching your Patriotic Symbols

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Homework, Tuesday, 15th October

Social Studies: Begin researching for your Patriotism presentation
Spelling: Review List 8    Click here for Quizlet quiz and activities  Click here for Spelling City

List 8 – Short and Long Vowels
Core Words

Challenge Words

How is maple syrup made?
Click here if you would like to watch this morning's mini-lesson again.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Homework, Monday, 14th October

Reading: Read/listen to Tomás and the Library Lady pp.158-175

Social Studies: Choose a country for your Patriotic Symbols  assignment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Student of the Week, Week 8

Congratulations to Lucas!

Lucas is becoming increasingly involved each week, and has been making a genuine effort to maximise his opportunities in class. He is also a loyal and caring friend to his classmates.  Well done, Lucas!

Week 8

Dear Parents and Students,

It’s been a very short week, but a memorable one, as we enjoyed our field trip in Taichung. Pictures of our visit can be found via the link at the bottom of this post.

In Maths, we have completed Topic 4, with our test taking place Tuesday. A cumulative test and a benchmark test for the past four topics will take place early next week, before we begin Topic 5.

Literacy Workshop
With our Personal Narratives completed, we spent a little more time focusing on grammar this week. We will continue our study of nouns for one more week before we review the unit. We also enjoyed reading some mystery stories. After trying to solve the mysteries, we compared the different styles and discussed how we might apply some of the different styles and techniques to our own writing. Next week, we will begin our next story, Tomas and the Library Lady.

We have all but completed our studies of the Earth in Science. Of course, we finished our week with a visit to the Taichung Earthquake Museum, which has been a great opportunity to see real examples of some of the effects of rapid surface changes to the Earth. Next week, we will spend some time studying the water cycle and water as a natural resource, and then we will move on to our next unit.

Social Studies
We have begun a new chapter dedicated to citizenship, and we have briefly discussed our upcoming minor presentation assignment about patriotism. We will discuss the project in more detail next week. In the meantime, we can start thinking about what symbols – such as flags, colours, animals, flowers, buildings, sculptures and landmarks – make people feel patriotic about their country.

Other important information
We now have our 10/10 long weekend to enjoy. I hope you all enjoy a relaxing break. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.      Oct 25:            Monthly Assembly
Thu.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4       Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15  Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon.   Nov 11            No Club
Wed.    Nov 13            No Club
Thu.    Nov 21            Thanksgiving Lunch

Taichung 9/21 Earthquake Museum