Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Week 8

Dear Parents and Students,

It’s been a very short week, but a memorable one, as we enjoyed our field trip in Taichung. Pictures of our visit can be found via the link at the bottom of this post.

In Maths, we have completed Topic 4, with our test taking place Tuesday. A cumulative test and a benchmark test for the past four topics will take place early next week, before we begin Topic 5.

Literacy Workshop
With our Personal Narratives completed, we spent a little more time focusing on grammar this week. We will continue our study of nouns for one more week before we review the unit. We also enjoyed reading some mystery stories. After trying to solve the mysteries, we compared the different styles and discussed how we might apply some of the different styles and techniques to our own writing. Next week, we will begin our next story, Tomas and the Library Lady.

We have all but completed our studies of the Earth in Science. Of course, we finished our week with a visit to the Taichung Earthquake Museum, which has been a great opportunity to see real examples of some of the effects of rapid surface changes to the Earth. Next week, we will spend some time studying the water cycle and water as a natural resource, and then we will move on to our next unit.

Social Studies
We have begun a new chapter dedicated to citizenship, and we have briefly discussed our upcoming minor presentation assignment about patriotism. We will discuss the project in more detail next week. In the meantime, we can start thinking about what symbols – such as flags, colours, animals, flowers, buildings, sculptures and landmarks – make people feel patriotic about their country.

Other important information
We now have our 10/10 long weekend to enjoy. I hope you all enjoy a relaxing break. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.      Oct 25:            Monthly Assembly
Thu.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4       Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15  Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon.   Nov 11            No Club
Wed.    Nov 13            No Club
Thu.    Nov 21            Thanksgiving Lunch

Taichung 9/21 Earthquake Museum

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