Thursday, October 31, 2019

Week 11

Dear Parents and Students,

Our four day week has certainly been a busy one, with tests, presentations, and a spectacular dress-up parade to take us into our mid-semester break. A big thank you to all parents for your time and effort in helping your children with costumes. Thank you also to all parents who were able to come along and join in the fun. A special thank-you also goes to the office staff for arranging the trick-or-treat, and an extra special thanks to Grade 6 for their amazing haunted house!

In the Classroom:

We completed Topic 6 with the topic test on Thursday. This topic has been a very successful venture, and I think we are all feeling a lot more confident about our understanding of algebra. We will return our focus to multiplication as we begin Topic 7 next Tuesday.

Literacy Workshop
This week, we spent more time in our Reading Circles, and our story of the week was Boss of the Plains. The conversations and collaborative work are really beginning to develop, and each group is becoming less reliant on guided instruction. We will continue the process next week with a story called A Very Important Day. We are well into our grammar unit about verbs, and next week, we will spend some time studying tense and verb agreement.
We have continued with the Skills Handbook this week, with a focus on keeping safe during scientific research. We had fun joking about the kinds of disasters that may occur in the lab, but we also took the lessons very seriously, as safety is always a high priority. Next week, we will conduct a few more practical investigations as we continue to familiarise ourselves with the Scientific Process.

Social Studies
Much of our week was spent preparing for and giving our presentations about Symbols of Patriotism. Thank you to everyone for the hard work. It was certainly an informative few days, and everyone should be proud of your presentations. Next week, we will spend a lesson reviewing Chapter 2, and we will have a minor test on Wednesday.

Other important information
Thank you to all parents for returning the parent/teacher forms. Confirmation slips were sent home on Wednesday. Please let me know as soon as possible if you didn't receive yours, or if the time slot no longer suits you. Report cards also went home Wednesday. Once again, please alert the office or myself if you didn't receive yours.
It's hard to believe we are already halfway through the semester! I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing and refreshing mid-semester break. Have fun, and I will see you next Tuesday!

Dates to remember:
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4 Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15 Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon. Nov 11 No Club
Wed. Nov 13 Social Studies test – Chapter 2
No Club
Thu. Nov 21 Thanksgiving Lunch

Thank you to Jessie - our photographer for the week!

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