Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 30th October

Maths:Review Topic 6 pp.136-137 Extra Practice (Reteaching) 138-139 Answers below. Test Tomorrow.
            Practice 6-3 Multiplication and Division Expressions

Science: Skills Handbook pp.304-313; Lesson Check Lesson 1, Lesson 2 worksheet - due next Wednesday

Practice Test 6 Answers
1. B     2. B     3. D     4. D     5. C     6. C     7. C     8. A     9. A     10. B   11. D

Topic 6 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. 36; 45; 56
2. 56; 64; 72
3. 98; 42; 14
4. 3; 6; 7

Set B
1. 15; 3
2. 66; 79
3. 2; 2
4. 8; 21
Set C
1. 3; 30
2. 4; 32
3. 10; 6
4. 5; 7

Set D
1. Lisa is on the Blue Jays

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