Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 10

Dear Parents and Students,

Another week has whizzed by, and we are now only four school days away from our mid-semester break. In the meantime, everyone is getting excited about our upcoming Dress-up Day next week. It will be fun to see everybody’s costumes, and I hope many parents are able to come and join us on Thursday morning.

In the Classroom:

We have finished Topic 5, which was all about multiplication, including strategies such as breaking apart and compatible numbers. We had our topic test on Friday, and we will begin Topic 6 on Monday. This is a short unit dedicated to algebra, with the topic test to take place next Thursday, 31st. After the break, we will return to our studies of multiplication when we begin Topic 7.

Literacy Workshop
This week, we read Tanya's Reunion, and discussed the story in our Reading Circles. The conversations taking place have been very impressive, with each group learning to delve more deeply into the story and its themes. Next week, we will continue our reading with another story: Boss of the Plains.

We have been working through our Skills Handbook this week, which introduces and discusses the methods of scientific research and some of the tools scientists use. We had fun using scientific equipment such as microscopes, binoculars, and telescopes to take a closer look at various samples and objects. Next week we will continue with the Skills Handbook, with a focus on how to keep scientific research safe.

Social Studies
While preparing for next week’s presentations, we have also been learning about economy. Using the USA as a model, we have been investigating the various industries that make up a nation’s economy, and how it may be affected by elements such as supply and demand. Next week, we will continue with our study of different economies, and our Patriotism presentations will take place on Wednesday and Thursday.

Other important information
Forms are being sent home today (Friday) to arrange parent/teacher interviews for the week beginning Monday, 11th November. Please complete the form and return it as soon as possible. Please also try to list a number of available times in order of preference. I will do my best to accommodate everybody.
As you are all aware, our Fancy Dress Day will take place this coming Thursday, 31st October. The parade will begin at 9:00am, and all parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please also remember that our mid-semester break takes place next weekend. School will be closed from Friday, 1st until Monday, 4th November. Classes will resume on Tuesday. Please check below for other important dates. Enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Wed-Thu. Oct 30-31: Patriotic Symbols presentations
Thu. Oct 31: Fancy Dress Day - Parents Welcome
Thu. Oct 31: Maths test – Topic 6
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4 Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15 Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon. Nov 11 No Club
Wed. Nov 13 No Club
Thu. Nov 21 Thanksgiving Lunch

Students of the Week for October

Congratulations, Lucas, Scarlett, Yolanda, and Zoe!

 Sukai and Yuma participated in the Royal Belgian Football Championship Game and were awarded 1st place.
Well done, boys!

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