Friday, October 18, 2019

Week 9

Dear Parents and Students,
After our long weekend, we have wasted no time in getting back into our classroom routines. As usual, we have been very busy in Grade 4, and after all of the work completed during the week, we were able to able to relax and enjoy celebrating our October birthdays.

In the Classroom:

We began the week with cumulative and baseline tests to assess how much we have retained since the beginning of the year. Parents, please sign and return the tests at your earliest convenience, if you haven't already. We have since begun working on Topic 5, which revisits multiplication. We will continue next week, with a topic test scheduled for Friday. We will then begin Topic 6 the following week.

Literacy Workshop
We read a new story, Tomás and the Library Lady, and then discussed the story in our Reading Circles. This week, we were investigating writer’s craft, and appreciating how words and pictures can combine in books to convey emotions and set an atmosphere. We will continue with our Reading Circles next week with our next story, Tanya's Reunion.

We completed our Earth Science unit this week, finishing with a review of the water cycle, and its importance to our survival. Next week, we will begin part one of the Student Handbook, which details the roles of scientists, safety precautions, and the various tools that may be used during scientific research and study.

Social Studies
We have continued with our new chapter in Social Studies, and we have been discussing democracy. We are also researching for our upcoming presentation about patriotism. Everyone has chosen a country to represent, and we will all enjoy learning from one another when we take turns to present 30th and 31st of October.

Other important information
As you know, our mid-semester break will be from Friday, 1st November until Monday, 4th November, with school resuming on Tuesday, 5th November. Please check below for other important dates. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you all Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.            Oct 25:       Maths test - Topic 5
Fri.            Oct 25:       Monthly Assembly - Parents Welcome
Thu.          Oct 31:       Fancy Dress Day - Parents Welcome
Fri-Mon.   Nov 1-4      Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri.  Nov 11-15  Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon.         Nov 11       No Club
Wed.         Nov 13       No Club
Thu.          Nov 21       Thanksgiving Lunch

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