Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 6th May

Maths: Practice 17-5 Line Graphs; Enrichment 17-5 Cricket Weather!
Writing: Make sure you have 3-4 reason to support your opinion. We will continue drafting tomorrow.
Reading: If you haven't made a Flipgrid clip yet, I want you to try it today.
Follow the link below and then follow the prompts.
Please note:  if you need to download the app for a phone or tablet, you cannot use your HIS account to download! Use a different account (e.g. your parents) to download the app, then CLOSE the app and follow the link below again.
If you still can't create a video, send me an email to let me know.

Science: Check out this cool video of the parts of a flower under a microscope!


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