Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Homework, Tuesday, 7th January

Maths: Review Topic 9 - test tomorrow.  pp. 210-211  Extra practice pp 212-213
Answers at the bottom of this post.
Maths: Practice 9-6 Quadrilaterals; Enrichment 9-6 Doodles
English: Think about ideas for your Tall Story.
Social Studies: Population Map and Lesson 5.1 questions due this Friday.

Practice Test 9 Answers
1. A      2. C      3. B      4. D     5. D     6. D     7. B      8. A      9. C      10. B   11. B   12. C  

Topic 9 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. a
2. c
3. b

Set B
1. Line
2. Right angle
3. Perpendicular Lines
4. Ray

Set C
1. 93°
2. 128°
3. 27°
4. 180°

Set D
1. 8; 8
2. 4; 4
3. 3; 3
4. 4; 4

1. Isosceles; obtuse
2. Trapezoid
3. Rhombus
4. Scalene; right
5. 12 R2
6. 28 R1
7. 23 R2
8. 15 R2

Example: The numbers in the first group are made up   of line segments. The numbers in the second group are made up of curved lines.

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