Friday, August 16, 2019

Grade 4 Stationery List

Grade 4 Stationery List

·      4 pencils
·      1 pencil sharpener*
·      2 erasers
·      2 red or green ink pens
·      1 compass and protractor set (see picture below)
·      1 ruler - (showing both centimeters and inches, preferably 30cm long**)
·      1 pair of scissors
·      1 glue stick (solid glue, e.g. “UHU stic”; no liquid glue, please!)
·      markers – for decorating
·      packet of sticky notes (e.g. Post-It Notes)
·      school bag
·      box of tissues
·      personal water bottle (please fill with water only)
·      hat/cap for P.E.
·      warmer shirt / sweater to be left at school (for when students find themselves chilly in the classroom)
·      a top to be used for protecting clothes during art and science classes
* Please only bring a small sharpener that can fit inside a pencil case or desk drawer. A larger, mechanical sharpener is also available for the whole class to use.
** Please avoid bringing a ruler longer than 30cm, as it will not fit inside your desk.

For Art Class:
·      water soluble colored pencils (12 Color Set)
·      2 sketching pencils (4B)
·      2 white plastic erasers
·      2 permanent felt tip black markers
·      1 pair of scissors
·      1 water brush – It is a paint brush that you put water inside. They are available at most stationery shops.

 Compass and Protractor

  Water Brush

Please mark all belongings with your child’s name.

Thank you for your attention. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

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