Friday, August 16, 2019

Welcome to Grade 4 at HIS!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Grade 4 at HIS! 

My name is Eddie Costello, from Melbourne, Australia. I first arrived in Taiwan in 2004, and I have since settled in Hsinchu and started a family.

I have been teaching in Hsinchu for the past 15 years, and this is my ninth year at Hsinchu International School. I greatly look forward to beginning the school year, and I am pleased to be teaching your children.

Please take time to read the following information. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me at this email address.

·      Please note that class begins each day at 8:20 am. We will begin each day with the morning meeting. All students are expected to be in class and ready to begin by this time. Students who are late to this meeting will miss important information about the day ahead. The classroom will be open and supervised from 8:00 am each day. Please try to avoid dropping your child at school before 8:00 am.

·      Please also note that school will start on Wednesday, August 21st. I look forward to meeting all my new students on Wednesday!

Homework, homework book and communication:
Each day, homework assignments and other important information will be sent home in the Homework Assignment Book. Please ensure that you check this book each day, and sign your initials in the appropriate space. In addition to ensuring that all homework is completed, important messages in the book will keep you up-to-date and well informed in regard to your child’s progress. Space is provided for any questions, queries or comments you may have.

Class Blog
Homework, important messages and updates will also be posted on this blog. Please check here frequently, as it will also include useful links, important dates and events, and other information.

Nutrition Break
As part of our daily routine, we have a healthy nutrition break each morning. Please help to promote good eating habits by providing your child with healthy snacks, and avoid providing snacks that contain added sugar. A healthy snack will help your child to focus on class work during the long stretch between the beginning of school and lunch.

Physical Education Clothing
All students should wear appropriate clothing for PE class. The HIS PE uniform is ideal for warmer weather, but is not mandatory. Clothing for warmer weather includes shorts, t-shirt, and a hat. For colder weather, exercise pants or loose pants, and a loose shirt or sweater is recommended. Clothing layers are recommended in case the weather changes. Please note that, for safety reasons, running shoes should be worn for all PE lessons.
·      A spare change of clothes kept at school can be very handy in the case of your child wanting to change after PE class, and also in the case of any unexpected spills or accidents that may occur.

Please see the following post regarding stationery supplies.

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