Friday, June 5, 2020

Week 37

Dear Parents and Students,
We have had a relatively normal week, with the exception of our 'bonus' Performing Arts and Physical Educational classes that took place to account for last weeks postponements. The summer seems to have properly arrived, and we can all sense the end of the semester, but it hasn't prevented us from being productive in class.

In the Classroom:

We have all but completed Topic 19, and our test will take place next Tuesday. We will then begin our final topic for the year, which focuses on probability of outcomes and how they can be expressed.
Literacy Workshop
We celebrated the completion of our final major writing assignment with a publishing party on Friday. We read one another's work and there is a lot to celebrate, with some very high quality Persuasive Essays published.

We completed our studies of adaptions this week, and we have turned our attention to ecosystems as a whole. We will continue our investigations throughout next week.

Social Studies
We have continued to prepare our Regions Projects, both in the classroom and through online collaborations. Presentations will take place next Wednesday and Thursday.
As a special treat, and to make up for our partially rained-out Race Day, Mr Keller has organised a special afternoon of fun to take place next Wednesday, 10th June. Soccer matches and other activities will be held on the athletics track behind the school. This will take place instead of our regular PE class, but PE uniforms may still be the most appropriate attire for the day.

Other important dates are listed below, as usual. I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue. June 9: Maths test – Topic 19
Wed -Thu June 10-11: Social Studies presentations
Wed. June 10: Afternoon of Fun – athletics track
Fri. June 12: G4 birthday party
Fri. June 19: End Semester 2!

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