Friday, May 29, 2020

Week 36

Dear Parents and Students,
Congratulations to Kindergarten and Grade 6, whose graduation ceremonies took place on Monday and Tuesday respectively. In addition, our Art Exhibition took place on Thursday; thank you to Mr Johnson and all who helped to set it up. We have a very talented school of artists! We then finished our week with the monthly assembly. Despite the distractions, we have been very industrious in Grade 4, and we have managed to accomplish a great deal.

In the Classroom:

We completed Topic 18, and had our test on Thursday. Topic 18 was largely focused on algebra, and it was very pleasing to see how everybody was able to take the new concepts on board. We are expanding our range of problem-solving skills and learning new ways to express and communicate mathematical problems and functions. We have already begun Topic 19, which we will continue to study throughout next week.

Literacy Workshop
We have been planning and drafting our Persuasive Essays. We will continue to revise them next week, with the aim to publish them on Thursday. In grammar, we have continued with our study of adverbs, and we will move on to prepositions next week.

We have been investigating how plants and animals respond and adapt to their environments. We have learned that physical traits are inherited, as are many behavioural traits. Some behaviours, however, are learned. We spent time discussing how all of these traits, inherited or learned, can help a species survive and reproduce in its natural environment. We also observed a fascinating example of symbiosis.

Social Studies
We have been preparing for our next Social Studies assignment. Each group will focus on a specific region and topic. We will then spend next week researching our topic and preparing our presentations, which will be presented the following week.
Last Monday's regular Performing Arts and Physical Education classes did not take place due to the graduation ceremonies, and have been rescheduled for next week. An extra Performing Arts class will take place on Tuesday, and an extra PE class will take place on Thursday. I'm sure Mr Keller will understand if you are unable to wear your uniform for all three PE lessons, but please remember to wear something suitable!

Other important dates are listed below, as usual. I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue.      June 2:             Extra Performing Arts class
Thu.     June 4:             Extra Physical Education class
Fri.       June 19:           End Semester 2!

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