Friday, May 22, 2020

Week 35

Dear Parents and Students,
It has been a very busy week. We began the week with in-class Science Fair presentations, the Science Fair itself took place on Tuesday, and then we presented again to Grade 2 on Wednesday. On Friday we were able to celebrate with the birthdays of Lucas, Janae, and Luke.

In the Classroom:

We held our Topic 17 test on Wednesday, and began Topic 18 on Thursday. Topic 18 returns our attention to equations and extends our understanding of algebra. We will continue with the topic next week, and the test will take place next Thursday.

Literacy Workshop
We read a biography of Gloria Estefan this week, and discusses why she might be considered a hero. We also began our final grammar unit for the year, which is dedicated to adverbs and prepositions. Next week, we will begin planning our final major writing assignment for the year: Writing to Persuade. After so many high-quality Opinion essays were submitted last week, I am confident that our persuasive writing will be quite effective!

Our week was dominated by our Science Fair presentations. The presentations were of a high quality. All of the hard work over the past two months has certainly paid off, and everyone should be very proud of your work! Photos are available via the link at the end of this post. Our final unit dedicated to Life Science will be our primary focus in Science for the rest of the semester.

Social Studies
We are reviewing what we have studied about America’s Midwest, and we will be having a team-test on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will begin discussing our final project for the year, in which groups will present a region to the rest of the class.
Kindergarten and Grade 6 will have their graduation ceremonies next Monday and Tuesday. To accommodate these, it has been necessary to reschedule some of our specialty classes. As a result, Monday's Performing Arts and Physical Education classes will be postponed until the following week. There will be no Performing Arts or PE on Monday.

Other important dates are listed below, as usual. I hope you all enjoy the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Tue.      May 26:          Social Studies team test – Unit 4
Thu.     May 28           Art Exhibition
                                    Maths test – Topic 18
Fri.       May 29:          Monthly Assembly

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