Friday, May 15, 2020

Week 34

Dear Parents and Students,
Congratulations to everyone for getting through Iowa week. It can be quite exhausting to complete so many tests within such a short space of time, but everyone has met the challenge and you should all be proud of yourselves. While most of our week has been consumed with the Iowa tests, we did manage to complete some other work, too.

In the Classroom:

We have completed Topic 17, and we will review the topic on Monday, with the topic test to take place on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will begin Topic 18, which is a return to equations. We will use what we know about equations to solve algebra problems, and we will also acknowledge that sometimes, we are unable to create an equation, and instead must provide an inequality as an answer to a problem.

Literacy Workshop
We have been busy with Writing an Opinion, and we published our work on Thursday. Next week, we will take a break from writing and read a short biography of Gloria Estefan. We will then commence our final writing assignment, Writing to Persuade, the following week.

We have been categorizing plants and animals, reviewing the parts of a flower, and investigating how different plants reproduce. Next week, we will shift our attention to how plants make their own food, but our main focus, of course, will be our Science Fair presentations. We will be holding in-class presentations on Monday, and then the  Science Fair will take place on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will also be presenting to give Grades 2 and 6 a chance to see our work, while we will also be visiting their displays.

Social Studies
Social Studies took a back-seat to the Iowa tests this week. Next week, we will finish and review our unit dedicated to the American Midwest.
Important dates, including the Science Fair, are listed below, as usual. I hope everyone has a good rest over the weekend, and I look forward to seeing you (and your Science presentations) on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon.    May 18:          Science Fair in-class presentations
Tue.      May 19:          Science Fair
Thu.     May 28           Art Exhibition
Fri.       May 29:          Monthly Assembly

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