Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 32

Dear Parents and Students,
Recent news of Taiwan's consecutive days with zero new Covid-19 cases is very reassuring, but we remain vigilant at HIS, and everyone is to be commended on the efforts made to ensure that we wash our hands, wear masks, and do all of the things recommended in order to keep healthy. Grade 4 is also to be commended for the outstanding efforts made towards making our Mad Tea Party an event to remember for years to come. In addition to drawings, comics, models, alternative endings, book reports, and character profiles, our special day was full of activities including card games, quizzes, a character guessing game, mazes, a 'break-out' challenge and a game of croquet, complete with flamingo-mallets! All art, stories, activities, and games were designed and developed by the students of Grade 4. Outstanding effort, everyone. I take my hat (in this style 10/ 6 ) off to you! Pictures of the day can be found via the link at the bottom of this post.

In the Classroom:

We sat our benchmark and cumulative tests this week. Parents, please check, sign and return the tests at your earliest convenience. We also began Topic 17, starting with a study of surveys. We will continue with Topic 17 throughout next week.

Literacy Workshop
Our week was dedicated to our tributes to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and preparing for our Mad Tea Party. We also spent some time revising possessive pronouns and contractions. Next week, we will begin our next writing assignment, Writing an Opinion.

We spent our week working on our Science Fair projects and making sure that everybody is on target to be ready to present on the 19th May. Next week, we will begin studying Life Science, which is our final unit for the year.

Social Studies
We reviewed Chapter 8 this week, and previewed Chapter 9, which is an investigation of what the American Midwest is like today. We will continue with Chapter 9 next week.
Throughout next week, we will also be doing some short practice tests in preparation for the upcoming Iowa tests. There is no way to study directly for the tests, but tips on how to best prepare for the tests will be sent home. Important dates are included below, as usual. For parents who have arranged interviews next week, I look forward to seeing you then. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, and I'll see everyone on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Mon-Fri. May 4-8:     Parent/Teacher meetings
Mon-Fri. May 11-15: Iowa Tests
Tue.     May 19:         Science Fair
Thu.     May 28          Art Exhibition
Fri.       May 29:         Monthly Assembly

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