Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Week 28

Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you to everyone once more for being so adaptable in these uncertain times.  We have come to an end to a shortened week, which gives us four days to spend some time away from our screens.

In the (Virtual) Classroom:

We began Topic 15, and we are learning how to interpret and design maps of 3-dimensional figures. We will continue with solid shapes and volume next week. Thanks to everyone who shared models of your shapes online. 

Literacy Workshop
We have completed an entire writing unit online!  Our assignment of Writing Instructions is complete, and I will be posting the finished products on line for all to share and read. All of your instructional videos will also be made available online for all to enjoy We also began a grammar unit dedicated to pronouns, and we will continue with that next week. Next week, we will also begin reading Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Thank you to everyone who sent pictures of your home laboratories!  We will be bringing our studies of light to a close early next week, and we will turn our attention to heat energy. This will include some more Mystery Science activities.

Social Studies
Congratulations, everybody, on completing our first ever online open-book test! Next week, we will begin Unit 4, which is dedicated to America’s Midwest.

Thanks again for the enthusiasm towards or distance learning. I am enjoying all of the valuable feedback through the online reflections you are all sending. Keep them coming! Please be sure to check for updates regarding next week on Class Dojo.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. Remember to practice social distancing, wear a mask when necessary and remember to wash your hands!

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