Thursday, April 30, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 30th April

Maths: Practice 17-2 Interpreting Graphs; Enrichment 17-2 Graphing True or False

Tea Party tomorrow!  Don't forget to bring:
- a cup
- a plate or bowl
- cutlery (a fork and spoon is recommended)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 29th April

Maths: Practice 17-1 Data from Surveys; Enrichment 17-1 State Predictions
Social Studies: Review Chapter 8 pp.270-271  due next Tuesday

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Homework, Tuesday, 28th April

Maths: Practice 16-12 Work Backward; Enrichment 16-12 Match That Graph

Spelling: Review List 23  (Test next Tuesday)
List 23 – changing final to i      Click here for Spelling City
Core Words

Challenge Words

Friday, April 24, 2020

Week 31

Dear Parents and Students,
We have successfully completed another 'regular' week of school, and it was fantastic to be able to enjoy the International Expo on Thursday. Of course, everyone missed the presence of family, but it was a successful and enjoyable day. A link to photos is included at the end of this post. Grade 4 thanks all of the presenting classes, and all of the teachers and staff who worked so hard to make sure the event took place. We also finished our week with our first assembly in what seems to be a very ling time, and there were a large number of awards to give out on the day. Pictures of the award winners are included below. Congratulations to everyone!

In the Classroom:

We completed Topic 16 this week and had our topic test on Friday. Next week, we will begin Topic 17, which deals with collection of data, and reading and creating graphs. This will come in very useful as we prepare our presentations for Science Fair.

Literacy Workshop
We have completed the entire story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and we are now creating our own tributes to the book. We also have a very special activity arranged for next Friday. As our annual May Day field trip has been cancelled due to Covid-19, Grade 4 is going to stay at school, but we will be holding a Mad Tea Party to celebrate May Day, and to share and present our tributes to the classic story. Everyone is very excited, and we already have some great ideas for activities on the special day. More details will be provided very soon.

We have completed our unit dedicated to Physical Science, finishing with a study of different types of renewable energy and their importance to the future of our planet. This tied in very well with our celebration of Earth Day, and our special activity in Social Studies. Next week, we will focus on our Science Fair projects and we will make sure that everybody is on target to be ready to present on the 19th May.

Social Studies
We have continued with our study of the American Midwest, and we will review Chapter 8 early next week. We also took part in an Earth Day activity, in which we interviewed family, friends, or neighbours of an older generation to see how lifestyles have changed over time. We then discussed how these lifestyles have affected our planet both before and now, and made a plan of action aimed at conserving energy and resources and taking better care of the Earth. Thank you to all family and friends for your cooperation in answering our questions. We will return to our studies of the Midwest next week, shifting our focus to what the region is like today.
As you will have learned from the newsletter from Mrs Lines, clubs have been cancelled for the reminder of the semester as a safeguard against Covid-19. On a more positive note, a number of upcoming events have been confirmed, enabling us all to prepare accordingly. Among these dates is our week for Parent/Teacher meetings. Please check the Dates to Remember at the end of this post.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday.

Dates to remember:
Fri.          May 1:        Mad Tea Party
Mon-Fri. May 4-8:     Parent/Teacher meetings
Mon-Fri. May 11-15: Iowa Tests
Tue.         May 19:      Science Fair
Thu.         May 28       Art Exhibition
Fri.           May 29:      Monthly Assembly

A special congratulations to Suin upon receiving the Hsinchu Government Outstanding Student Award. Well done, Suin!

Congratulations to our Students of the Week, dating back to January!
Luke, Yi Jun, Yuzu, Janae, Ivanka, Zoe, Céline, Suin, and Sara (absent)

Congratulations to everybody on your performance during Distance Learning!

Congratulations to Yoyo, Riki, and Jessie, on finishing third in the Messi Soccer Championship!

Congratulations to Zoe, Céline, Yuma, Yi Jun, Xavier, and Sara for their accomplishments in PE.

Student of the Week, Week 31

Congratulations to Janae!

Janae has been working very hard recently to improve in all areas. As a result she is producing some of her best work for the year. Keep it up, Janae!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 23rd April

Maths: Practice 16-11 Temperature; Enrichment 16-11 Summer in the City
Practice Test pp.394-395  Extra review pp.396-399

Answer Key:

Practice Test 16 Answers
1. D     2. A     3. A     4. A     5. B      6. D     7. B      8. A     9. C      10. D   11. C    12. B   13.C   14.A      

Topic 16 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. ft or mi; m or km
2. ft or m
3. 2 in.

Set B
1. 2 cups
2. 1 gallon

Set C
1. T
2. oz
3. lb
4. oz
5. lb
6. T

Set D
1. 10,000
2. 52,800
3. 9
4. 16
5. 144
6. 2

Set E
1. m
2. cm; mm
3. 5 cm

Set F
1. 3 mL
2. 100 mL

Set G
1. g
2. kg
3. g
4. g
5. kg
6. kg
7. g
8. g
9. Mass stays the same. Only your weight would change.

Set H
1. 5
2. 20
3. 8
4. 90,000

Set J
1. >
2. >
3. >
4. =
5. <

Set K
1. 2 h 50 min
2. 6 h 15 min
3. 1 h 27 min
4. 1 h 30 min

Set L
1. 59°F dec
2. 13°C dec
3. 24°F inc
4. 19°C inc

Set M
1. 10:20 am

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 22nd April

Maths: Practice 16-10 Elapsed Time; Enrichment 16-10 It's about Time
Science: If you would like to watch today's lesson again, you can find it here: Where does energy come from?
Spelling: Review List 22  Click here for Spelling City   Click here for Quizlet
We now have premium access to Spelling City! If you use the username and password that you were given in class, you can now access all all of the games and activities in Spelling City.  Have Fun!

List 22 –words with a prefix or suffix
Core Words

Challenge Words

Advanced             Click here for Spelling City

Homework, Tuesday, 21st April

Maths: Practice 16-9 Units of Time; Enrichment 16-9 Time to Talk
Social Studies: Reading a Historical Map worksheet due next Tuesday

Monday, April 20, 2020

Homework, Monday, 20th April

Maths: Practice 16-8  Changing Metric Units; Enrichment 16-8 Volume and Capacity
Reading: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Read Chapter 12 - Alice's Evidence

Friday, April 17, 2020

Week 30

Dear Parents and Students,

It feels great to complete an entire week of regular classes, and I'm sure everyone is as hopeful as I am that we will be able to continue to do so. Everyone remains as diligent as ever throughout the school in our efforts to maintain the highest levels of hygiene and to keep ourselves as healthy as possible.

In the Classroom:

We have continued our studies of measurement, including customary units, such as inches, feet, yards, pints and gallons, and then metric units, such as metres, litres, grams and kilos. We will be learning how to convert metric units next week, and we will also study time and temperature, before reviewing Topic 16 on Thursday, and sitting the topic test on Friday.

Literacy Workshop
How is a raven like a writing desk? We have had a lot of fun discussing this and similar “curious” questions as we have followed Alice's adventures through Wonderland during our Literacy Workshop. We have shared all manner of interpretations of this timeless story, as we learn to appreciate that stories can inspire us in many different ways. The fun continues next week, as we complete the story in class.

We have been focusing our scientific minds on heat energy this week, and we created our own heat engines in class. Next week, we will review all we have learned about the different forms of energy, and we will apply our knowledge to solving an energy problem presented in our next Science Mystery.

Social Studies
Our studies of the American Midwest continue, and we have been further developing our expository reading, note-taking, and summarizing skills. We have been learning about the early history of the Great Plains region, and we spent some time comparing historical maps dating back as early as 1803.

The Easter Bunny was in quarantine during Easter, but is being let out on Monday to hide eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. Students, you might bring a small bag or basket for egg collecting on Monday.

As an extra precaution, there will be NO CLUBS next week. All reports have been very good so far in regard to Covid-19, but it has been decided to postpone clubs for one more week.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday.

Dates to remember:
Mon. Apr. 20 Easter Egg Hunt
Fri. Apr 24: Maths test – Topic 16

Student of the Week, Week 30

Congratulations to Céline!

Céline has been going from strength to strength throughout the year, and this week, she has been making a notable effort to contribute to class discussions as often as possible. Fantastic job,  Céline, well done!

Beautiful Soup and Lobster Quadrille

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Homework, Thursday, 16th April

Reading: Alice - Read Chapter 10: The Lobster Quadrille

Maths: Reteaching 16-6 Metric Units of Capacity; Enrichment 16-6 Clever Scientists
Social Studies: Preview Ch.8 L.2 vocabulary - Click here for Vocabulary Flashcard Slideshow
Click here for 8-2 Vocabulary Quizlet

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 15th April

Reading: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Read Chapter 9: The Mock Turtle's Story

Maths: Practice 16-5 Using Metric Units of Length; Enrichment 16-5 My Aunt's New Doll
Social Studies: Click here for Social Studies Vocabulary Slideshow.
Click here for 8-2 Vocabulary Quizlet

Monday, April 13, 2020

Homework, Monday, 13th April

Reading: Alice - begin Chapter 7  A Mad Tea Party
Maths: Practice 16-2 Customary Units of Capacity; Practice 16-3 Units of Weight
Spelling: Review List 21 - test tomorrow.  Click here for list and links.

Science: Would you like to watch this morning's video again?  Here it is!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Week 29

Dear Parents and Students,
It’s great to be back at school, and I think everybody appreciates being back in a physical classroom. Thank you to everybody for being so patient, flexible, adaptable, and understanding during these uncertain times.

In the Classroom:

We reviewed Topic 15 in the classroom, after studying most of the topic online and our topic test took place on Thursday. We have already begun Topic 16, dedicated to measurements, time, and temperature. This topic is a longer one, and we will be studying it for the next two weeks.

Literacy Workshop
We have completed an entire writing unit online!  Our assignment of Writing Instructions is complete, and I will be posting the finished products on line for all to share and read. All of your instructional videos will also be made available online for all to enjoy We also began a grammar unit dedicated to pronouns, and we will continue with that next week. Next week, we will also begin reading Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Thank you to everyone who sent pictures of your home laboratories!  We will be bringing our studies of light to a close early next week, and we will turn our attention to heat energy. This will include some more Mystery Science activities.

Social Studies
Congratulations, everybody, on completing our first ever online open-book test! Next week, we will begin Unit 4, which is dedicated to America’s Midwest.

Thanks again for the enthusiasm towards or distance learning. I am enjoying all of the valuable feedback through the online reflections you are all sending. Keep them coming! Please be sure to check for updates regarding next week on Class Dojo.

Thank you to all parents who have replied to the Dojo message this week regarding updates. If you have not received the message, or if you have recently changed your email address, please send me an email at . For those of you who have already replied, thank you!

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. Remember to practice social distancing, wear a mask when necessary and remember to wash your hands!

Student of the Week, Week, 29

Congratulations to Zoe!

It has been an unusual week, in that we started it with distance learning, and then moved back into our actual classroom. Zoe has adapted to both environments, performing well both at home and at school. Thanks for the excellent work, Zoe!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Spelling List and Activity Links

Spelling: Review List 21

List 21 – VCCV patterns   Click here for Spelling City     Click here for Quizlet
Core Words

Challenge Words


Homework, Thursday, 9th April

Maths: Practice 16-1 Customary Units of Measurement; Enrichment 16-1 Proportional Drawing
Reading: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - begin reading Chapter 5
Spelling: List 21 – Do the online pretest here:   List 21 Prestest
If you spell 20 or more correctly, try the tier 3 test:  List 21 Tier 3 Prestest

The full list with links to activities will be posted later this afternoon.
If you can't wait, the Spelling Lists can be found here: Grade 4 Spelling Lists

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 8th April

Maths: Practice 15-3 Views of Solids: Perspective; Enrichment 15-3 Building Blocks
    Review Topic 15 pp.358-359  – test tomorrow.  Extra Practice pp.360-361 answers below
Spelling: Review Topic 20 - Test tomorrow  Click here for list and links.
Science: If you would like to watch today's video again choose from one of the links:
Bill Nye: Heat
Bill Nye: Heat - full screen (plays 3 times - don't know why)
Reading: Alice - Begin reading Chapter 4

Maths - Practice Test 15 Answers
1. B      2. D     3. D     4. C      5. A     6. C      7. B      8. C      9. A     10. D   11. A   12. D  

Topic 15 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1. 5  9  6
2. 5  8  5
3. 6  12  8
4. 6  12  8
5. 4  6  4

Set B
1. Rectangular prism
2. Rectangular pyramid
3. Square pyramid
4. Triangular prism
5. – 6. See me in the morning

Set C
1. – 2. See me in the morning

Set D
1. 60 cubic units
2. 96 cubic inches

1. 34, 42, 50
2. 29, 37, 46
3. 15, 18, 21
4. 29, 35, 41
5. 42, 49, 56

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Week 28

Dear Parents and Students,
Thank you to everyone once more for being so adaptable in these uncertain times.  We have come to an end to a shortened week, which gives us four days to spend some time away from our screens.

In the (Virtual) Classroom:

We began Topic 15, and we are learning how to interpret and design maps of 3-dimensional figures. We will continue with solid shapes and volume next week. Thanks to everyone who shared models of your shapes online. 

Literacy Workshop
We have completed an entire writing unit online!  Our assignment of Writing Instructions is complete, and I will be posting the finished products on line for all to share and read. All of your instructional videos will also be made available online for all to enjoy We also began a grammar unit dedicated to pronouns, and we will continue with that next week. Next week, we will also begin reading Lewis Carroll’s classic tale, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Thank you to everyone who sent pictures of your home laboratories!  We will be bringing our studies of light to a close early next week, and we will turn our attention to heat energy. This will include some more Mystery Science activities.

Social Studies
Congratulations, everybody, on completing our first ever online open-book test! Next week, we will begin Unit 4, which is dedicated to America’s Midwest.

Thanks again for the enthusiasm towards or distance learning. I am enjoying all of the valuable feedback through the online reflections you are all sending. Keep them coming! Please be sure to check for updates regarding next week on Class Dojo.

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend. Remember to practice social distancing, wear a mask when necessary and remember to wash your hands!

Wednesday Pack-up

Newsletter to follow soon!

Daily Schedule