Friday, February 7, 2020

Science Fair

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope everyone is staying healthy and managing to keep yourselves occupied. I also hope that you have been able to make use of the activities and links I have posted on Google Classroom.

According to our original schedule, we would begin planning for Science Fair during the week beginning February 10th (next Monday). As we will not be at school, I have posted information and links here on the blog, and also on Google Classroom.

For Grade 4 Science Fair, you will be working in pairs. You will be choosing pairs when we return to school, allowing just one week to decide on a Testable Question. You should therefore begin searching for ideas as soon as possible. When we return to school, we can discuss our ideas, and then it will be easier to choose a partner, as you will know who has similar interests.

Here are some links to help you find your Science Fair topic.
Note: these links can also be found in the links menu to the right of the blog, under Science Links.

Science Buddies – this is a great tool to help you find a topic and develop your question and research:

Science Fair Ideas: Grade 4:

Science Fair Ideas: Grade 5 (in case you need something more challenging):

More ideas from Science Kids:

Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

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