Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 26th February

Maths: Practice 12-5 Mixed Numbers and Decimals on the Number Line;   Enrichment 12-5 Bright Ideas
Review Topic 12; Test tomorrow  Practice Test pp.284-285  Extra Practice/Reteach pp. 286-287  (Answers below)
Literacy: Book Promotion - be ready to proofread everything tomorrow.
Science:  Flashlight Maker! worksheet due next Wednesday.
Click here if you would like to see the Science Mystery Activity again, including the extras:
Mystery Science: What if there were no electricity?

Topic 12 Practice Test Answers
1. C      2. C      3. D     4. A      5. C      6. B      7. D     8. A      9. B      10. B   11. D   12. C   13. A   14. D

Topic 12 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1.      twelve and thirteen hundredths; 10+2+0.1+0.03
2.      one and nine hundredths; 1+0.09
3.      eleven and one tenth; 10+1+0.1
4.      eighty-eight and eight hundredths; 80+8+0.08

Set B
1.       < 
2.       =
3.       22,981; 21,046; 14,762
Set C
1.      0.3; 3/10
2.      0.6; 3/5
3.      0.21; 21/100
4.      0.35; 7/20
Set D
1.     3 4/6
2.     3 1/6
3.     3 5/6
4.     5.47
5.     5.55
6.     5.68
7.     N
8.     L
9.     J
Set E
0.6 should be marked at twice the distance from 0 as 0.3

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