Thursday, February 27, 2020

Week 23

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather! It seems that all of our hard work we have put in this week will be rewarded with a very pleasant long weekend!
In the Classroom:

We have worked steadily through Topic 12 this week, and our topic test took place on Thursday. We will have a performance assessment on Monday, before continuing our study of decimals in Topic 13.
Literacy Workshop
We began our week with a visit from author, Anders Roseberg, and then turned our attention towards the theme of the week. Our study of the Australian Dreamtime for Literacy Week has introduced us to the native folklore of the wide brown land down under. Not only did we learn about myths and legends of the Australian Aborigines, we also learned that literacy is about more than just decoding symbols into words. We explored different ways that meaning can be expressed and drawn from stories, including through song, dance, and other forms of art. We each gave our own interpretation of The Rainbow Serpent in our collaborative door decoration.

We have all but completed our Book Promotions, and we will spend Monday and Tuesday adding the finishing touches to our projects. We will also spend some time next week preparing our oral presentations, which will take place on Thursday and Friday.

We have finalised our topics for the Science Fair, and we are completing our preliminary research. Parents, please support your children by signing your name in the booklet for each stage of the Science Fair process as it is completed. We have also enjoyed more practical experimentation this week. Our Science Mystery had us exploring ways to complete an electric circuit. We will continue with our study of electricity next week.  Students may use the electric kits provided in class, but if you bring your own, you can keep it, and take it home with you. A picture of the kit and a link to further details is included at the bottom of this post.

Social Studies
We continued our study of the American Southeast, including the celebrated Cherokee father and daughter, Sequoyah and Anyokah. Anyokah was only six years old when she joined her father in designing an alphabet for their native language. Before this, there was no written form for their language. It took them 12 ears to complete, and when they were done, members of their tribe began to learn to read and write their language within months. We will continue our studies of the American Southeast next week.
Other important information
Please note that to accommodate the curriculum lost during the two weeks of home quarantine, next Monday, 2nd March, we will be following Wednesday's timetable. Our specialty subjects for Monday will be PE (as always) and Computers. We will not have Performing Arts on that day. Please also note that Monday Clubs will take place as usual.

The Caves Book Fair is to take place next Tuesday, 3rd March. Parents are welcome to come and visit the stall, and students may also bring money if they would like to purchase books. Caves are offering a 20% discount to all students, and a 25% discount for boxed sets. The stall will be in the foyer during school hours on Tuesday.

I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri.      Feb 28:            2/28 Peace Day National holiday – school closed
Tue.     Mar 3:             Caves book sale
Thu-Fri. Mar 5-6:       Book Review – oral presentations
Wed.    Mar 11:           Pottery
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day – parents welcome!
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo

Click here for details of the electric kit we will use in Science next week:

Student of the Week, Week 23

Congratulations to Yuzu!

Despite the disruptions we have had lately, Yuzu has managed to organise herself very well, and is completely up-to-date with all of her assignments. She has been producing some very good work in the process, and in class, she is making regular contributions to discussions in all subjects. Thanks for the great effort, Yuzu, keep it up!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Homework, Wednesday, 26th February

Maths: Practice 12-5 Mixed Numbers and Decimals on the Number Line;   Enrichment 12-5 Bright Ideas
Review Topic 12; Test tomorrow  Practice Test pp.284-285  Extra Practice/Reteach pp. 286-287  (Answers below)
Literacy: Book Promotion - be ready to proofread everything tomorrow.
Science:  Flashlight Maker! worksheet due next Wednesday.
Click here if you would like to see the Science Mystery Activity again, including the extras:
Mystery Science: What if there were no electricity?

Topic 12 Practice Test Answers
1. C      2. C      3. D     4. A      5. C      6. B      7. D     8. A      9. B      10. B   11. D   12. C   13. A   14. D

Topic 12 Extra Practice Answer Key

Set A
1.      twelve and thirteen hundredths; 10+2+0.1+0.03
2.      one and nine hundredths; 1+0.09
3.      eleven and one tenth; 10+1+0.1
4.      eighty-eight and eight hundredths; 80+8+0.08

Set B
1.       < 
2.       =
3.       22,981; 21,046; 14,762
Set C
1.      0.3; 3/10
2.      0.6; 3/5
3.      0.21; 21/100
4.      0.35; 7/20
Set D
1.     3 4/6
2.     3 1/6
3.     3 5/6
4.     5.47
5.     5.55
6.     5.68
7.     N
8.     L
9.     J
Set E
0.6 should be marked at twice the distance from 0 as 0.3

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Physical Science: Electric Kits

Science: Next Week, we will continue to investigate electric circuits. You may use the electric kits provided in class, but if you buy your own, you can keep it, and take it home with you. These kits are inexpensive, and can be found in most stationery stores and "10 Dollar" stores (五金店).  Don't forget to bring batteries!

Homework, Tuesday, 25th February

Maths: Practice 12-4 Fractions and Decimals on a Number Line; Enrichment 12-4 A New Measure
Spelling: Review List 17   Spelling City Activities    Quizlet Activities

List 17 – words with -ed or -ing
Core Words

Challenge Words

Advanced / Tier 3       Click here for Spelling City activities


Monday, February 24, 2020

Homework, Monday, 24th February

Maths: Practice 12-2 Comparing and Ordering Decimals; Practice 12-3 Fractions and Decimals; No Enrichment
Spelling: Review List 16, test tomorrow.  Click here for list and links.
                 Spelling worksheets due tomorrow

Friday, February 21, 2020

Student of the Week, Week 22

Congratulations to Suin!

Suin is a very conscientious student and is always trying her best. She has been working diligently this week, as usual, and she has shown great consideration for her classmates.
Great work, Suin,keep it up!

Week 22

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome back! I hope that everyone is fit and healthy, and have been able to make the most of the past two weeks. After an unexpected break, it seems that everyone is keen to get back to work in class, and we are managing to get back to most of our normal routines.
 In the Classroom:
After the unexpected two-week interruption, we managed to complete and review Topic 11 this week, and had our topic test on Wednesday. We have already begun topic 12, which shifts our attention to decimals. We will continue with decimals next week, and the topic test will take place on Thursday.
 Literacy Workshop
We had just finished Unit 4 in Grammar before the break, and our review of adjectives was due for completion this week. We have already begun our next unit dedicated to Capitalisation and Punctuation. We are also busy working on our Book Promotion projects, as part of the upcoming Literacy Week, and we are also learning about Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime, as part of our Literacy Week study of Myths and Legends. Literacy Week will take place next week, beginning with our visit from author Anders Roseberg in the library on Monday.

We have been busy deciding on what each pair will be doing for the upcoming Science Fair. In addition, we had a lot of fun on Wednesday, as we completed our Chain Reaction Machines. We have also been reviewing what we have been learning about force and motion.  Next week we will turn our attention to electrical energy.

Social Studies
We have continued our study of early people in the American Southeast, and we are beginning our investigation of what the region is like in the present. We will continue our studies next week, and also, to tie in with Literacy Week, we will learn about Sequoyah, a native of the region who developed a written form of his language, along with his young daughter, Anyokah. .

It has been a very busy week, starting with the welcoming of TJ, who has just joined our class from the USA, and finishing with the celebration of the birthdays of Briana, Riko, Yi Jun, and Zoe.
Thank you to all parents and students for your patience and cooperation as we adjust our schedules to accommodate recent events. On the topic of scheduling, our Yearbook Photos will be taken during the next few weeks. Individual portraits will be done this coming Thursday, 27th February, and our whole-group Class Photo will be taken on Monday, 23rd March. Please try to remember not to wear white, and wear your best smile on the day!
I hope everyone enjoys the weekend, and I'll see you all on Monday for the beginning of Literacy Week!

Dates to remember:
Feb 24 – Feb 27:         Literacy Week
Mon.   Feb 24:            Author visit – Anders Roseberg
                                    Clubs start
Thu.    Feb 27:            Yearbook photos – individual portraits.
                                    Maths test – Topic 12
Fri.      Feb 28:            2/28 Peace Day National holiday – school closed
Tue. Mar 3:                 Caves book sale
Wed.    Mar 11:           Pottery
Mar 16 –Mar 20:        Spirit Week
Wed.    Mar 18:           Race Day – parents welcome!
Mon.   Mar 23:           Class Photo

Building a Chain Reaction Machine