Friday, November 15, 2019

Week 13

Dear Parents and Students,
I would first like to thank all parents for making the time to come in for our Parent/Teacher Interviews. Open communication is an integral part of every child’s development.  The parent/teacher meetings are always insightful, and most often lead to further improvements in your children’s academic opportunities and general wellbeing. 

In the Classroom:
After our four-day break became a ten-day break, we have all returned to class ready to get back to our regular routines. It seems that everyone in Grade 4 is now fit and healthy again, but we will remain vigilant in avoiding any further illness.

We began Topic 7 on Monday. This is a short topic that reviews and extends what we know about multiplication. We will complete the topic early next week, with the topic test to take place next Wednesday.

Literacy Workshop
This week, in our Reading Circles, we read and discussed A Very Important Day. Next week, we will begin planning and drafting for our Narrative Story. This process will occupy the best part of the next two weeks, and we will finish the assignment with a publishing party on Friday, 29th November.

We enjoyed a number of practical research experiments this week, as we continue to work through the Skills Handbook. We are focusing on the Scientific Process, and becoming familiar with terms such as dependent variable, independent variable, and controlled variable, and learning about why these elements are so important to our research methods.

Social Studies
We held our open-book chapter test on Wednesday, and we have now begun the next topic in our books, which will focus on the Northeast region of the United States of America. As we have done since the beginning of the year, we will use the USA as a model, and make comparisons and contrasts between the States and other parts of the world.

Other important information
As you know, we will celebrate Thanksgiving next Thursday. For parents who are able to attend, I look forward to seeing you all again. To all other parents, thank you for your generosity in contributing all of the delicious food. We will be thinking about you!

As always, important upcoming dates are listed below. I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and I’ll see you all next Monday.

Dates to remember:

Wed..               Nov 20            Maths test – Topic 7
Thu.                Nov 21            Thanksgiving Lunch
Wed.                Nov 27            Fun Day – Parents welcome
Fri.                  Dec 29             Monthly Assembly – parents welcome
Wed.                Dec 4               Christmas Concert
Fri.                  Dec 13             Half Day
Dec 14 – Jan 5                        Winter Vacation

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