Friday, October 4, 2019

Week 7

Dear Parents and Students,

Our four-day week was certainly a busy one! among other things, we had our first emergency drill for the year, and I am pleased to report that all students were out of the building in next to no time. Well done, everyone, on being so orderly and organised.

In Maths, we have been working through Topic 4, and reviewing what we know about division. We will review the topic once more on Monday, with the Topic Test to take place on Tuesday. A cumulative test and a benchmark test will take place the following week, before we begin Topic 5.

Literacy Workshop
We spent this week presenting our Personal Narratives. It has been interesting and entertaining to listen to one another’s stories. Next week, we will spend Monday and Tuesday reading some mystery stories from our Reading text. We are also continuing our study of nouns in our grammar lessons, which will continue next week.

We held our Earth Science unit test on Friday, and we have our field trip on Wednesday. The following week, we will review what we know about the water cycle, and this will bring the unit to a close.

Social Studies
We had our chapter test on Thursday, which brought our study of geography and climate to a close for the time being. We will move our attention to citizenship next week, and then after the break, we will discuss our upcoming minor presentation assignment about patriotism.

Other important information
As you know, next week is only three days long, with our 10/10 holiday beginning on Thursday. School will reopen the following Monday, October 14. On Wednesday, we have our field trip. Clubs will be on as usual on Wednesday. These and other important dates are listed below.
Have a great weekend, and I'll see you all Monday!

Dates to remember:

Tue.     Oct. 8:             Maths test – Topic 4
Wed.    Oct 9:              Field Trip – Taichung Earthquake Museum
Thu-Fri, Oct 10-11     10/10 Day vacation – School Closed
Fri.      Oct 25:            Monthly Assembly
Thu.    Oct 31:            Fancy Dress Day
Fri-Mon. Nov 1-4       Mid Semester Break (no school)
Mon.-Fri. Nov 11-15  Parent /Teacher Meetings
Mon.   Nov 11            No Club
Wed.    Nov 13            No Club
Thu.    Nov 21            Thanksgiving Lunch

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