Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 6

Dear Parents and Students,

It seems that autumn has finally arrived, and we can enjoy some cooler weather. As the temperature tends to fluctuate at this time of year, we should all be vigilant in making sure we have suitable clothes for the changing conditions. The weather may be changing, but in the classroom, we have been busy, as usual.

We completed Topic 3, and held the test Friday. Next week, we will begin Topic 4, which is dedicated to division. The test for Topic 4 will take place on Tuesday, the week after next.

Literacy Workshop
We have spent most of our time working on our Personal Narrative stories, and we completed publishing them on Friday. Next week, we will take turns reading our stories aloud to the class. As we have such a large class, this will take place over several days. In grammar, we are continuing with nouns, and our current spelling list is dedicated to homophones. Our Spelling test will take place on Tuesday, as usual.

We have all but completed our studies of the Earth in Science. Next week, we will review what we have studied in our Mystery Science investigations, and we will have a small test on that material on Friday.  We will also spend some time studying the water cycle and water as a natural resource. The following week, of course, we will have our visit to the Taichung Earthquake Museum.

Social Studies
We have been focusing on natural resources, which has fitted in well with our discussions of Global Awareness. Next week, we will review all we have studied over the past few weeks, and a minor test will take place on Thursday. Pictures of our Global Awareness Week activities can be seen via the link at the end of this post.

Other important information
Next Monday is a Professional Development Day, and students are not required at school. Students, I hope you enjoy your three-day weekend!

Please see below for other important dates.

Dates to remember:
Mon.   Sep 30:            PD Day – Students not required at school
Thu.    Oct. 3:             Social Studies test – Chapter 1
Fri.      Oct. 4:             Science test – Birth of Rocks (Mystery Science)
Tue.     Oct. 8:             Maths test – Topic 4
Wed.    Oct 9:              Field Trip – Taichung Earthquake Museum
Thu-Fri, Oct 10-11     10/10 Day vacation – School Closed

Students of the Week

Congratulations, Yuzu, Sara, Jessie, Briana, and Suin!

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