Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week 4

Dear Parents and Students,

The weeks are already beginning to rush by as we find our rhythm in Grade 4. Everyone has settled in well, and we are getting used to our routines. Although this week was only four days long, we managed to pack a great deal of work into those four days.

We have completed our second topic of Maths, and we will hold topic test on Tuesday. Topic 2 was all about adding and subtracting whole numbers. There is no homework set for this long weekend, but links to resources may be found in the posts below this one for anyone who would like to review subtraction further. Next Wednesday, we will begin Topic 3, which focuses on multiplication.

Literacy Workshop
In Reading this week, we followed our theme of Journeys, this time following the journey of Akiak, the determined member of a sledding team in Alaska’s Iditarod race. We will be thinking about the various journeys and stories we have been reading about as we prepare for our first major writing assignment. On Monday, we will begin planning our Personal Narrative stories, and we will spend the best part of the next two weeks drafting, writing, and publishing our work.

We had fun this week as we tried to build model volcanoes from different consistencies of (pretend) lava. We used our experiments to determine why some volcanoes are cone-shaped, while others are shaped like a shield. We also worked out why some volcanoes explode, while others are comparatively gentle. Pictures of our experiments can be found via the link below. We have also begun to investigate the different ways Earth can undergo slow surface changes. We will continue our study of surface changes next week.

Social Studies
We completed our study of landforms by creating descriptive postcards. We also spent some time learning how to read an elevation map. Next week, we will turn our attention to climate, first by looking at the USA as a model, and then comparing to the rest of the world.

Confirmation forms of after-school clubs have been sent home today. Clubs will begin on Monday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend, and a very happy Moon Festival!
See you all on Monday!

Dates to remember:
Fri. Sep 13: Moon Festival – school closed
Mon. Sep. 16: Clubs begin
Tue. Sep. 17: Math test – Topic 2
Fri. Sep. 27: Monthly Assembly – parents welcome!

Why do some volcanoes explode?

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