Friday, November 29, 2019

Week 15

Dear Parents and Students,

Fun Day was a great success on Wednesday. We were very lucky to have enjoyed a warm and relatively calm day amongst the cooler, windy days we have had this week. Thank you to all parents who were able to make the time to join us for the afternoon. It is always an extra thrill for the children to share these occasions with family. Thanks also to Mr Keller and the Grade 6 students for organizing all of the different games and challenges.

In the Classroom:

The week has been dedicated to division. We have used diagrams and expanded algorithms to find the quotients of single, double, and triple digit dividends.  We will continue with Topic 8 next week, with the test to take place on Wednesday.

Literacy Workshop
We finished publishing our Narrative Stories, and celebrated our work with a Publishing Party on Friday. This coincided with our November and December birthday parties and our monthly assembly, so it was quite a festive end to our week!
Next week, we will focus on reading once again, with a new theme titled “That’s Amazing!” This theme includes a number of entertaining fantasy stories that introduce concepts such as personification and hyperbole.

We began our next unit, dedicated to Physical Science. We started our explorations with a Mystery Science activity, in which we built models to demonstrate how energy can be transferred, stored, and released.  We will continue our study of energy next week.

Social Studies
We have begun our study on the geography of the Northeast USA, starting with the physical features, climate, and natural resources found in the region. Next week, we will begin the week with a map skills activity, before going on to learn about the Early Peoples of the area, including the Native Americans and the early settlers.

Other important information
As you know, our Christmas show is to take place next Wednesday, 4th December. Everyone has been working hard preparing for the performances, and Mrs Johnson has done a wonderful job directing each number. It promises to be an entertaining evening, and I look forward to seeing you all there.
Students, I’ll see you all next Monday.

Dates to remember:

Wed.                Dec 4               Maths test – Topic 8
                                                Christmas Concert
Fri.                  Dec 13             Half Day
Dec 14 – Jan 5                        Winter Vacation

Students of the Week

Congratulations to Céline, Yusei, Sukai, and Ingrid.
Well done, guys!

Fun Day

Student of the Week, Week 15

Congratulations to Yusei!

Yusei has been steadily improving in all areas of his learning. His hard work has resulted in more comprehensive responses to questions and tasks, and greater accuracy in his answers. Well done, Yusei!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Homework, Thursday, 28th November

Maths: Practice 8-6 Dividing 3-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers; Enrichment 8-6 Up and Up!
English: Finish publishing your Personal Narrative, Publishing party tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Homework, Wednesday, 28th November

Maths: Practice 8-5 Dividing 2-Digit by 1-Digit numbers; Enrichment 8-5 Will They Reach the Top?
English: Make sure your narrative is ready to proofread and publish tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Homework, Tuesday, 26th November

Maths: Practice 8-4 Connecting Models and Symbols; Enrichment 8-4 New Shapes
Spelling: Review List 13  Click here for Spelling City       Click here for Quizlet
List 13 – ( / ôr / , / ûr / and / yoor /  sounds)

Core Words

Challenge Words             

Advanced/Tier 3    Click her for Spelling City.


Monday, November 25, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Week 14

Dear Parents and Students,
I hope you are all getting over the enormous meal we had for Thanksgiving! Thank you to all parents for the delicious food that was brought or sent for the celebration. Thanks also to all family members who were able to join in the fun. It was nice to spend some time together in a more social setting and enjoy one another's company.

In the Classroom:

We had a test on Wednesday to complete Topic 7. This was a short topic about multiplication. We have already begun Topic 8, which is dedicated to division.  This is a longer topic, and the test won't take place until Wednesday, the week after next.

Literacy Workshop
In our grammar lessons, we have continued with our studies of verbs, but we have spent most of our time planning and drafting our Narrative Stories. For this assignment, there will be no oral presentation, but we will present published versions of our stories at our  publishing party on Friday, 29th November. This will coincide with our birthday parties for November and December.

We have continued with our practical research experiments this week, and we have all but completed Part 1 of the Skills Handbook. Next week, we will begin our next unit, which is dedicated to Physical Science.

Social Studies
We have spent most of the week reviewing what we have learned about different types of regions. We spent a little time reflecting on what we are thankful for ahead of Thanksgiving, and we also learned how to locate and identify different features on a regional map. Next week, we will focus our study on the geography of the Northeast USA.

Other important information
Congratulations to all competitors who received special mentions in the Haiku Contest that some of us entered several weeks ago. HIS was well represented in the contest, with special congratulations to go to our Grade 2 friends on being selected as finalists! If you would like to read all of the results, along with the Haiku themselves, you can follow this link to the website:

As you know, Fun Day will be taking place next Wednesday. All parents and family members are invited to come along to watch the fun. For those of you who can make it, I look forward to seeing you then.

As always, important upcoming dates are listed below. I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and I’ll see you all next Monday.

Dates to remember:

Wed.                Nov 27            Fun Day – Parents welcome
Fri.                  Dec 29             Monthly Assembly – parents welcome
Wed.                Dec 4               Christmas Concert
Fri.                  Dec 13             Half Day
Dec 14 – Jan 5                        Winter Vacation